
1. General information
1.1. Issuer’s full business name
Public Joint-Stock Company "Rosseti Moscow Region"
1.2. Issuer’s shortened business name
PJSCompany "Rosseti Moscow Region"
1.3. Issuer’s location
Moscow, Russian Federation
1.4. Issuer’s General State Registration Number
1.5. Issuer’s Tax ID
1.6. Issuer’s unique code assigned by the registration authority
1.7. Web page in the Internet used by the issuer for information disclosure.
1.8. Date of an event occurrence (material fact), about which the message was compiled (if applicable)
2. Statement content
2.1. A brief description of the event (action), the occurrence (the commission) of which, in the opinion of the Issuer, affects the value of his securities:
adoption by the General Director of the Issuer's decision on early redemption at the Issuer's discretion certificated interest-bearing non-convertible stock exchange bearer bonds of BO-04 series with mandatory centralized storage, issue identification number 4B02-04-65116-D from 07/09/2013, international securities identification code (ISIN) RU000A0JUUU9 (hereinafter - Exchange bonds).

2.2. If the relevant event (action) is relevant to or related to a third party - the full company name (for non-profit organizations - name), location, INN (if applicable), Issuer’s Primary State Registration Number (if applicable) or surname, name, middle name (if any) of such individual:
the information affects the holders of the Issuer's exchang bonds.

2.3. In case if the relevant event (action) is related to the resolution taken by the authorized management body of the Issuer or a third party, or is associated with such resolution - the name of the authorized management body, the date of adoption and the content of the resolution, the date of drafting and the number of the minutes of the meeting (session) of the authorized management body in case, if the resolution is made by the collegial management body of the relevant person:
the decision was made by the Director General of PJSC Rosseti Moscow Region on 09/02/2020. (Order of 09/02/2020 № 925).
Content of the decision made by the sole Executive body of the Issuer:
Early redemption of documentary interest-bearing non-convertible exchange bearer bonds series BO-04 with mandatory centralized storage of PJSC Rosseti Moscow Region , issue identification number 4B02-04-65116-D dated 07/09/2013, international securities identification code (ISIN) (RU000A0JUUU9), on the date of expiration of the 12th (twelfth) coupon period (09/17/2020) at the discretion of the Issuer in accordance with subparagraph B) of paragraph 9.5.2 of Resolutions on the issue of Exchange bonds.
In accordance with subparagraph B) of cl. 9.5.2 of the Issue Resolution of Exchange Bonds:
- Exchange Bonds are redeemed early at the outstanding part of their nominal value. In this case, coupon income is paid for the 12th (twelfth) coupon period.
- Early redemption of Exchange Bonds is carried out in cash and non-cash in the currency of the Russian Federation. There is no option for Exchange bond holders to choose the form of redemption of the Exchange Bonds.
- Start and end dates of early redemption of Exchange Bonds are the same.
Other terms of early redemption of the Exchange Bonds are specified in sub-item B) of cl. 9.5.2 of the Resolutions on issue of the Exchange Bonds.

2.4. If the relevant event (action) is related to or may have a significant impact on the value of the Issuer of certain securities - type, category (type) and other identification characteristics of the Issuer's securities:
documentary interest-bearing non-convertible exchange bonds of BO-04 series with the obligatory centralized storage of PJSC Rosseti Moscow Region, issue identification number 4B02-04-65116-D from 07/09/2013, ISIN:

2.5. The date of occurrence of the relevant event (performance of the action), and if the relevant event occurs in relation to a third party (the relevant action is performed by a third party) - also, the date when the Issuer learned about the occurrence of the specified event (performance of the specified action):

3. Signature
3.1. Corporate Secretary, acting on authority with the warranty of authority No.77/555-n/77-2020-2-1455 from 29.04.2020
______________ A.N. Svirin
3.2. Date «02 of September, 2020»                  Seal

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