Key Performance Indicators

Market capitalization, billion rubles
Supply of electric energy from the grid, million kWh
Reduction of electric energy losses, percentage of supply to the grid, million kWh, %
Market share of electric power transmission services in Moscow, %
Market share of electric power transmission services Moscow region, %
Indicators for Moscow
Indicators for Moscow
Indicators for the Moscow region
Indicators for the Moscow region

General Information on «Rosseti Moscow Region»

PJSC «Rosseti Moscow Region» has been created after reorganization of a subdivision of OJSC Mosenergo. The main office is located in Moscow. PJSC «Rosseti Moscow Region» includes 8 branch offices, and the group includes three subsidiaries. The main activities of the company include transmission and distribution of electrical energy, providing grid connections for electrical energy consumers.

15,448 people

Number of Staff
PJSC «Rosseti Moscow Region»

181,969 RUB, bln

Revenue according
to RFRS in 2017

47.000 km2

Service territory


Number of high-voltage

83,700 km

Length of cable
power transmission lines

20 mln



Transformer capacity
of high-voltage substations, MBA

85,200 km

Length of aerial
transmission lines


Transformer substations
of distribution networks


Transformer capacity
of distribution networks, MBA

8 & 3

Branch offices
& subsidiaries

General Scheme of Interaction Between Participants in the Process of Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Energy

PJSC «Rosseti Moscow Region» provides electric power transmission services, guaranteeing capacities to suppliers, energy sales companies and direct consumers - participants of wholesale and retail electricity market - on the basis of contracts for electric power transmission services. The subject of the contract is implementation of a set of organizational and technical measures for supplying electricity to end customers of PJSC «Rosseti Moscow Region», whose power plants are directly connected to PJSC «Rosseti Moscow Region» grids as well as territorial grid organizations (TGOs).

PJSC «Rosseti Moscow Region», after receiving electric power from generating companies (power plants, power stations), adjacent power systems in neighboring regions of Russia, main electric transmission lines of 220 kV and higher (PJSC FSK UES) transfers it to connection points of its end users, or TGOs.

Mission of the Company

PJSC «Rosseti Moscow Region», in the process of supplying power to Moscow region, aims at providing services with a maximum level of reliability and accessibility of the distribution network infrastructure using energy-efficient technologies and innovations and maintaining international quality standards for its services and best practices of corporate management.

Strategic Priorities of the Company

Key propriety areas of the Company

The key propriety areas of the Company in the medium term rely on the regulations of Energy Complex Development Strategy of Russian Federation which approved by a resolution of the Federal Government dated April 3, 2013 No. 511-р (as amended). According to regulations of the document, the Company identifies the following strategic developing guidelines:

Programs to Decrease Electrical Energy Losses

PJSC «Rosseti Moscow Region» has been implementing a program to decrease electrical energy losses as one of top priority optimization measures.

315,3 mln kW/h

838,7 RUB, mln

Effect of Implementing the Program to Decrease Electrical Energy Losses in Company’s Grids:

Plans for 2015 included modernization of 13,765 metering points for RUB 413.5 mln; a total of 8977 metering points were modernized for RUB 225.9 mln. Remote data collection has been organized from 8977 metering points of 13,765 metering points as envisioned in the plan. The plan to lower electrical energy losses within the Program to to Decrease Electrical Energy Losses in Company’s Grids has been completed by 126.6%. Withe goal of saving 153.7 mln kWh, the actual volume amounted to 194.6 mln kWh of energy.

Assessment of corporate management quality

Rating Agency


Highest Level of Management Quality


“А Highest Level of Management Quality”

Main Documents in the Company’s Activities

Quality Management System

Quality management system of PJSC «Rosseti Moscow Region» has been certified to meet international specification requirements of ISO since 2008. The QMS’s compliance with specification requirements of ISO 9001:2008 was confirmed under the results of annual recertification and certification audits that were hold auditors from JSC “Bureau Veritas Certification Rus”.
Currently, the field of application of QMS PJSC «Rosseti Moscow Region» is determined as “Provision of services on transferring, distributing and adding electrical energy to PJSC «Rosseti Moscow Region» power system”.
On September 4, 2018, PJSC «Rosseti Moscow Region» got a certificate of QMC compliance with international specification requirements ISO 9001:2015.

Quality Management System Certificatepdf

Policy in the Sphere of Qualitypdf