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Recognition of achievements in the field of ecology
Within the framework of the program for the implementation of the Environmental Policy of the integrated power grid (hereinafter referred to as the Policy), a certification audit of the environmental management system (hereinafter referred to as EMS) was conducted at "Rosseti Moscow Region" (November 2019). Its purpose is to confirm compliance of the company's EMS with the requirements of the international standard ISO 14001: 2015 *.
*ISO 14001:2015 "Environmental Management Systems. Specification with guidance for use" - an international standard that contains requirements for the environmental management system, according to which certification is carried out.
"100 best organizations of Russia. Ecology and Environmental Management" contest (May 26-May 29, 2017, All-Russian Conference "Ecology and Production. Prospects for the development of economic mechanisms for environmental protection)
"Leader of Environmental activities" contest (November 21-22, 2012, II Congress of Ecologists of Russia)
The achievements of PJSC "Rosseti Moscow Region" in the field of environmental protection and environmental safety were awarded with a medal and a diploma of the winner of the competition "Leader of Environmental Activities".

"100 best organizations of Russia. Ecology and Environmental Management" (March 29-April 1, 2013, All-Russian Conference "Ecology and Production)
The achievements of PJSC "Rosseti Moscow Region" in the field of environmental protection and environmental safety were awarded with a medal and a diploma of the winner of the competition "Leader of Environmental Activities".

Russian Industrial and Environmental Forum "RosPromEko-2013" (November 14-15, 2013)
PJSC "Rosseti Moscow Region" was awarded a diploma and an honorary medal "The Environmental Protection Year in Russia" for the implementation of measures to reduce the negative impact on the environment.

Ecological Policy
Since 2008 OJSC MOESK has been certified as compliant with ISO 14001:2004 environmental safety standard. Bureau Veritas Certification company holds annual audits of the company’s environmental management system (EMS) to confirm its compliance with all applicable regulations. The audits have shown that EMS at OJSC MOESK has been developed, documented, and launched successfully, and that the company has demonstrated its ability to achieve planned results and provide sustainable development.
Ecological Policy (20.07.2020)pdf
Bureau Veritas Certificate (27.11.2008)pdf
EMS makes it possible to identify environmental aspects (ЕА) of Corporation’s activities and to reveal the most important of these (and, therefore, which require taking additional measures to management) to be included in the plan of environmental activities for reduction EA importance. Using activities within SEM let to reduce generation of waste 1 – 3 danger class by 12%; domestic water use – by 38%; total number of pollutant emissions – by 20% (pic).