The innovative activity of "Rosseti Moscow Region" is carried out within the framework of the Innovative development programs of the Company

The program of innovative development of PJSC "Rosseti Moscow Region" for 2020-2024 with a long term until 2030 was approved by the Board of Directors of the Company on 28.09.2021.

The purpose of the Program is:

Transition to the electric grid of a new technological structure with qualitatively new characteristics of reliability, efficiency, accessibility, manageability and customer orientation of the electric grid economy of PJSC "Rosseti Moscow Region".

Achieving this goal is a key objective in the field of innovative development of the Company, carried out through the implementation of projects and activities of the Program within the following key areas of innovative development of the Company:

  • transition to highly automated substations of various voltage classes of 35-110(220) kV;
  • transition to highly automated active adaptive grids with a distributed intelligent automation and control system;
  • transition to integrated efficiency of business processes and automation of management systems;
  • application of new technologies and materials in the electric power industry.

The company has implemented an innovation management system (hereinafter referred to as the IMS) of PJSC "Rosseti Moscow Region" in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 56273.1-2014/CEN/TS 16555-1:2013 and taking into account the requirements of GOST R ISO 56002-2020.

The Company's innovation management system is a modern and progressive management tool that unites and consolidates the Company's innovative activities at all management levels.

Scope of the IMS: provision of services for transmission, distribution of electric energy and technological connection to electric grids, provision of other non-tariff services.

The Company's Board of Directors approved the < a href="/about/innovations/doc/2022/politika-ir-2022.pdf target="_blank">"Policy of Innovative Development of PJSC "Rosseti Moscow Region", which contains the commitment and obligations of the Company's top management.

The Company's Innovation Management System:

  • has an organisational set-up ensuring the distribution of functions at all management levels;
  • applies to the provision of services for the transmission, distribution of electric energy and technological connection to electric grids.

Having chosen the GOST R ISO 56002-2020 standard as the basis for improvement, PJSC "Rosseti Moscow Region" strives to comply with the best domestic and foreign practices in improving the efficiency of innovation activities and use the best available technologies.

Within the framework of the medium-term plan for the implementation of the Program for 2021-2025, the following key innovative projects are planned in the areas of innovative development:

Transition to highly automated substations of various voltage classes of 35-110(220) kV

  • Introduction of intelligent relay protection and automation devices on 220kV Tyutchevo substation

Transition to highly automated active adaptive grids with a distributed intelligent automation and control system;

  • Application of intelligent metering devices in electrical distribution grids with the possibility of integration into a single control system;
  • Implementation of intelligent distribution grids (Smart Grid) in the service area of the branch of PJSC "Rosseti Moscow Region" – "New Moscow";
  • Modernization of the system for collecting and transmitting information about the technological modes of operation of power transmission lines, equipment and devices at substations of PJSC "Rosseti Moscow Region" on the basis of modern microprocessor systems;
  • Creation of an active-adaptive grid based on an intelligent Regional PDZ;
  • Creation of an active-adaptive grid based on an intelligent Urban PDZ;
  • Creation of an active-adaptive grid based on an intelligent Energy district;
  • Use of reclosers on 6-10 kV overhead lines with the possibility of remote control and integration into a SCADA system;
  • installation of devices for determining the location of damage to power lines on 35-220 kV overhead lines on the wave principle;

Transition to integrated efficiency of business processes and automation of management systems:

  • Implementation of the automated operational and technological management platform SCADA/DMS/OMS based on the Odintsovo PDZ;
  • Introduction of geoinformation technologies (GIS);
  • Modernization of the automated equipment maintenance and Repair Management System (AS EM&R) of PJSC "Rosseti Moscow Region";
  • Creation of an automated control system for mobile teams ("Digital wireman");

Application of new technologies and materials in the electric power industry:

  • The use of supports made of composite materials for the installation of SCL (service (temporary) power supply cable lines) 6-10 kV.;
  • Application of mobile reverse transformation electrical installations (MRTEI) 0,4/10(6) kV for temporary power supply to consumers;

Research and development work (R&D) is also carried out within the framework of the Program, providing support for the development of key areas of innovative development.

From 2013 to 2021, the following R&D activities were carried out within the framework of the Program:

  • Creation of infrastructure for electric transport in the service area of PJSC MOESK as a part of the implementation of a comprehensive strategy for the introduction of intelligent grids (MOESK EV);
  • Comprehensive study of the use of high voltage direct current links (HVDC) in the grid of PJSC MOESK, determination of their control algorithms taking into account the peculiarities of the Moscow power system;
  • Research on a systematic approach to voltage regulation in the grids of PJSC MOESK using reactive power compensation tools (existing and prospective);
  • Evaluation of the electrodynamic and thermal effects of short-circuit currents on overhead power lines (OL) with an increase in the level of operating currents and short-circuit currents;
  • Research on algorithms for determining the need and places of installation of automatic undervoltage protection (AUP), as well as calculation of setpoints;
  • Research on switching overvoltage levels in reactivated grids of increased reactance with the definition of approaches to the construction of a reactivated grid taking into account the peculiarities of the Moscow power system;
  • Development of methodological guidelines and software for calculating the settings of transformator automatic voltage regulation devices (TAVR) in the electric grids of PJSC MOESK;
  • Development of general technical requirements and standard technical solutions for the automated monitoring and diagnostics system of the substation equipment of PJSC MOESK;
  • Investigation of the quality of electric energy in 10/0.4 kV distribution electric grids with the development of methodological guidelines, instructions and technical measures to improve the quality of electricity of PJSC MOESK;
  • Automatic re-activation with the function of monitoring the condition of power lines;
  • Reactive power compensation in the distribution grid;
  • Development of methodological recommendations on the use of diagnostic tools for electrical equipment 6-220 kV under operating voltage by partial discharge method;
  • Development of methodological guidelines for the choice of neutral grounding mode in 6 – 35 kV grids with elaboration of aspects of the implementation of the transfer of Moscow cable grids with a voltage of 6(10) kV to a resistive-grounded neutral operation mode;
  • Development of a unified 110 kV transition point on a support for connecting overhead lines and cable lines;
  • Development of technical solutions and recommendations for the transfer of the existing 6-10 kV grid to a 20 kV grid in rural areas;
  • Development of an innovative method for the construction of cable lines in Moscow cable grids with a voltage of 0.4-20 kV using polymer cable sewerage;
  • A system for monitoring and forecasting damage to the electrical grid with an assessment of the necessary resource mobilization under the influence of natural hazards;
  • Conducting theoretical and experimental research and developing stands to demonstrate the danger of electric shock at the training ground;
  • Maintenance of woody and shrubby vegetation along overhead lines in a standard condition with pruning using mechanization tools;
  • Development of protection with improved accuracy and selectivity based on methods for determining the distance to the site of damage for distribution grids with the implementation of a prototype;
  • Organization of digital remote control of the equipment and devices of the RPA of electrical distribution devices of substations of distribution electrical grids.
Patent for the invention "Method for determining the sources of electrical discharge activity in the insulation of electrical equipment (options)»
Utility patent "Control system of voltage mode in the electrical distribution network"
Utility patent "Automated system of monitoring, protection, control of the equipment of the electrical substation"
Software registration certificate ‘Software package for charging station process control’.
Utility patent ‘Electrical transport charging device’.
Utility patent ‘Device for limiting transient recoverable voltages in circuits with current-limiting reactors’.
Utility patent ‘Simulating device for defining reactive power compensating facility installation sites in general purposeelectrical grids’.
Software registration certificate ‘Setpoint calculation software for voltage automatic adjustment appliances of electrical grid transformers’.
Utility patent ’Public transport charging device’ (DC).
Utility patent ’Transformer voltage automatic adjustment appliance’.
Utility patent ’Public transport charging device’ (AC).
Patent of invention ‘Voltage reduction automatic limitation system’.
Useful model patent "Automatic recloser of overhead and underground power lines"

Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency Improvement Program

31.03.2022 The Board of Directors of PJSC "Rosseti Moscow Region" approved the Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency Improvement Program of PJSC "Rosseti Moscow Region" for 2021-2025 (Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors No. 517 of 01.04.2022)

The purpose of the program is:

  • Increasing the level of energy saving and energy efficiency of PJSC "Rosseti Moscow Region".


  • reduction of electricity losses and specific consumption of energy resources for economic needs due to the implementation of measures;
  • realizing the potential of energy saving and increasing the energy efficiency of production activities;
  • formation of an effective energy saving management system;
  • increasing the volume of implementation of effective measures.

Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency Improvement Program of PJSC "Rosseti Moscow Region" for 2021-2025pdf

Extract from the Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directorspdf

Explanatory Note to the Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency Improvement Program of PJSC Rosseti Moscow Region for 2021-2025pdf

Presentation on the Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency Improvement Programpdf

Program targets

The Program provides for the following targets in the field of energy conservation and energy efficiency improvement:

1. Reduction of electricity losses

As a result of the implementation of the Program of Measures to reduce losses, it is planned to reduce the level of electricity losses to 7.32% of the volume of supply to the grid by 2025.

Losses million kWh 6 774,76 6 771,56 7 391,53 7 323,25 7 247,18 7 060,46
Loss of supply to the grid, % 7,53 7,53 7,74 7,65 7,54 7,32

The increase in the level of losses in 2021 is associated with a significant increase in electricity consumption in the Moscow region, including an increase in consumption by the population with a significant increase in the load on distribution

2. Reduction of electricity consumption for household needs

Item No. Name of the target indicator Units 2019
The planned value of the indicator in 2025:
1 Consumption of energy resources for the economic needs of administrative and industrial buildings:
1.1. Electrical energy thousand kWh/m2 0,116 0,103 0,098
1.2. Thermal energy Gcal/m3 0,034 0,03 0,029
1.3. Natural gas thousand m3 180,41 168,98 157,99
2 Consumption of natural resources for the economic needs of administrative and industrial buildings:
2.1. Hot water supply thousand m3 12,88 10,72 10,80
2.2. Cold water supply thousand m3 235,17 203,16 194,04
3 Consumption of motor fuel by motor vehicles and special equipment thousand l 12 348,91 12 106,30 13 673,07

The amount of motor fuel consumption is determined by the mileage of the equipment as part of its actual use to perform work on the Company's power grid facilities, as well as the duration of operation of backup sources of electricity supply as part of the elimination of technological violations.

Measures within the frame of the Program

The Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency Improvement Program includes measures that have "direct" effects in the form of energy efficiency improvement and fuel and energy saving, and also takes into account the "concomitant" effect in the form of reducing electricity losses resulting from the implementation of other production programs of PJSC "Rosseti Moscow Region" (programs for the long-term development of electricity metering systems on REM, renovation programs (technical re-equipment and reconstruction), reliability improvement programs).

Measures in the field of energy saving and energy efficiency improvement are divided into organizational (low-cost) and technical measures and include:

  • measures aimed at reducing electricity losses;
  • measures aimed at reducing the consumption of energy resources (electricity, thermal energy) and water for the economic needs of administrative and industrial buildings

Organizational measures with "direct" effects aimed at reducing electricity losses include:

  • identification of unaccounted-for power consumption;

The technical measures aimed at reducing the loss of electrical energy and having a "concomitant" effect include:

  • automatic equipment of heating and lighting systems of substation premises, including heating systems of oil-filled equipment and cabinets of outdoor installation;
  • technical re-equipment and reconstruction and new construction (replacement of wires on overloaded lines, replacement of overloaded ones, installation and commissioning of new transformers, optimization of grids through the construction of lines and substations);
  • the program for the development of intelligent electricity metering.

The following measures are included in the organizational measures aimed at reducing the consumption of energy resources and water for the economic needs of administrative and industrial buildings:

  • organization of an economical mode of operation of energy-consuming equipment and lighting;
  • reduction of heating load in buildings or individual rooms during non-working periods;
  • introduction of a system of financial incentives for saving energy resources;
  • ensuring control over the misuse of energy carriers;
  • organization of a procurement system for economic and industrial needs of energy-consuming equipment of high energy efficiency classes;
  • analysis of resource supply contracts in order to identify the provisions of contracts that hinder the implementation of measures to improve energy efficiency.

The following measures are included in the technical measures aimed at reducing the consumption of energy resources and water for the economic needs of administrative and industrial buildings:

  • installation of energy-efficient lighting devices based on LEDs;
  • replacement of obsolete convectors with new convectors with climate control;
  • installation of motion sensors in the interior lighting system;
  • installation of reflective screens behind heating devices;
  • equipping of heating devices with thermoregulators;
  • installation of single-lever mixing valves;
  • installation of water flow regulators;
  • installation of tanks with push-pull flush.

Energy survey of PJSC "Rosseti Moscow Region"

In compliance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 261-FZ of November 23, 2009 "On Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency Improvement and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation", PJSC "Rosseti Moscow Region" conducted a mandatory energy survey of economic and industrial facilities from 01.03.2012 to 22.10.2012.

As a result of the energy survey, the company's energy efficiency indicators and energy saving potential were determined, and the company's energy passport was formed.

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Charging infrastructures for electric transport

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