
Central Electric Networks, a branch of JSC “MOESK” completed assembling, alignment, and put into operation of two voltage additional transformers at “Paveletskaya” 220/110/10 kV substation located at Southern administrative district of the capital. Cost of reconstruction works exceeded RUR 830 million.
“Paveletskaya” substation is one of largest feeding centers located at Southern administrative district of Moscow. It provides electric energy supply to housing area of the district and the underground, Paveletskaya railway, works n.a. Tupolev, and “Gosznak” fabric.

Under the conducted works of the thirst stage, power engineers implemented replacement of two voltage additional transformers at AT-2 chain with capacity 40 MVA for 63 MVA ones. In accordance with Sergey Aferiev, the Senior Engineer of the District High-Voltage grids of Southern Administrative District (DHVG SAD), “All building, assembling and installation works are completed. The equipment is put into operation due to normal scheme. As a result of the reconstruction, capacity of the substation grew by 1.5 times to exceed 620 MVA”.

Under the reconstruction, AT-1 and AT-2 autotransformers with capacity of 250 MVA each, and current limiting reactors were assembled and put into operation due to normal scheme. Replacement of two voltage additional transformers at AT-1 chain with capacity 63 MVA and auxiliaries board was carried out, modern fire extinction system was assembled.

To remind, project works on building of most modern at that moment energy point started in 1972. In 1976, first stone of future energize center was laid. In 1979, first of two power autotransformers at the substation were put into operation.

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Under building of “Paveletskaya” substation, the most modern technology developments of those times were used. Particularly, a scheme of “load-center” was used at a substation with capacity of 220 kV for the first time in the Soviet Union. The scheme of electric energy supply provided for approach of higher loading to electric equipment of consumers thus allowing for a significant cut in electric energy transmission losses. Compact arrangement of 110 and 220 kV equipment inside of the building and installation of cable lines allowed for five times reduction of area. Thus, the energy object was located at the area which did not exceed nine thousand square meters. Significance of such technological finding was deservedly awarded with a purest tint medal of Exhibition of Economic Achievements of the Soviet Union in 1981.

Reconstruction of the energy point was begun in 2007 to increase capacities. It has been carried out within the boundaries of the investment program of MOESK. Its finishing will allow for growth in reliability of electric energy supply of consumers.

* Reliable electric energy supply of consumers at the territory of Moscow city is provided for by three branches of JSC “MOESK”. Central Electric Networks consist of 124 substations with characteristics of 35-110-220 kV, 35-110-220 kV overhead electric energy transmission lines with total length exceeding 1,114 km, and more than 500 km of 0.4-20 kV cable electric energy transmission lines located within the area of the capital. Another branch of JSC “MOESK”, Moscow Cable Networks, service 0.4-20 and 35 kV electric energy transmission cable lines with total length of more than 61 thousand km, as well as more than 16 thousand distribution and transformer substations in Moscow. Responsibility area of High-Voltage Cable Networks includes more than 800 km of 110-550 kV electric energy transmission cable lines located in Moscow and Moscow Region.