
The power specialists of Moscow United Electric Grid Company were restoring power lines all the night long (4 – 5 January). The works were held in 12 municipal districts of the Moscow Area in the responsibility zone of JSC “MOESK”.

A new shift of brigades started to work in the morning. Now 402 brigades represented by 1,808 people work at the electric grid facilities. The power specialists have 243 units of equipment at their disposal.

The electricity supply-related situation improves. There are no de-energized consumers in the north and the south of the area. The inhabitants of the west and the east of the region continue to experience electricity supply-related problems. In particular, 470 transformer substations, including 324 subscribers’ ones, were de-energized as at 08.00 a.m. of 5 January in the Moscow Region. Mobile power stations and diesel generators were arranged in the districts, where the population experiences difficulties with electric power supply.

The course of the restoration works held by the specialists of JSC “MOESK” and their colleagues, who came to their rescue from the regions of the Central Russia, is complicated by a snowfall and gusty wind in the eastern Moscow Area.