
Within the day of January, 8th, 250 teams of specialists of JSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” ("MOESK") and their colleagues who came to help them from other operating companies of IDGC Holding and also those from JSC “UES FGC” ФСК ЕЭС" and those from contractor organizations are continuing to perform works on reliable power supply recovery of Moscow region. The main objective is to put into service power transmission lines, providing the backup of feeding centers.

The works were performed at 10 power transmission lines by 35 kv which had left disconnected, at one 110 kv power transmission line and one 220 power transmission line in branches of JSC “MOESK” - Western, Southern and Eastern electric grids and at 35 kv substation "Valuyki" (Western electric grids), at the last feeding center of MOESK which had not been put into service. Repair works didn’t influence on the power supply reliability of consumers.

The main day’s objective was felling of trees representing a threat. They also took off the trees which had fallen down on the wires and cleared the debris 35 kv overhead power transmission liens Korobovo-Pyshlitsy (Eastern electric grids) and Klimovskaya - Molchanovo 1 (Southern electric grids).

The power engineers put into service five power transmission lines with the voltage of 35 kv on January, 8th: Rumyantsevo-Petrovskaya 1, Lyschevo- Petrovskaya 1, Vypolzovo-Krylovo, Klyonovo - Emtsovo (all of them belong to Western electric grids) and in the South of Moscow region - Klimovskaya - Esino.

Besides that, the teams of power engineers rendered help to municipal electric grids in reliable power supply recovery, in particular, in settlement Kratovo of Ramensky district.

39 teams of power engineers will continue recovery works in the night of the 8th/9th of January.