
Within the day of the 8th of January, 232 teams of specialists of JSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” (JSC “MOESK”) and their colleagues who came to help them from other operating companies of IDGC Holding and also from JSC “UES FGC” and those form contractor organizations are continuing to perform works on reliable power supply recovery of Moscow region. They face a task to put into service power transmission lines providing the backup of feeding centers.

Today the works are performed at 10 power transmission lines by 35, at one 110 кВ and one 220 kv power transmission lines which are staying disconnected, in branches of JSC “MOESK” - Western, Southern and Eastern electric grids and at one 35 kv substation (Western electric grids). Repair works don’t influence on reliability of poser supply of consumers.

The main day’s task is to felling of trees representing a threat. They will also take off trees which had fallen down on the wires and clear the debris at 35 kv overhead power transmission lines Korobovo-Pyshlitsy (Eastern electric grids) and Klimovskaya - Molchanovo 1 (Southern electric grids).

Besides that the teams of power engineers will render help to municipal electric grids in reliable power supply recovery, in particular in settlement Kratovo of Ramensky region.

Within the day, in daylight hours, in terms of recovery works they will make planned cutouts at a series of power transmission lines. It will touch Odintsovsky, Istrinsky, Ruzsky, Podol’sky and Domodedovsky districts. The cutouts plan has been agreed with the regional emergency operations center.

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Totally over 200 power transmission lines, over120 substations with the voltage of 35-220 kv, over 9,5 thousand 6-10/0,4 kv transformer substations have been restored in Moscow region after abnormal natural elements. Over 50 thousand trees have been taken off the power transmission lines. It has made it possible to eliminate at the corresponding areas a cutout threat due to short circuits caused by trees falling down under the icing mound’s weight. At the assessment of the Department of Energy of RF, the native power industry have come across for the first time with such a scale of faults and such volume of recovery arrangements under the natural factor’s influence.

24-hour “Light line” is still effective for the Moscow region’s consumers for information receipt on a free united telephone number 8 (800) 700-4070.