
Power engineers of Moscow United Electric Grid Company, colleagues from operating companies of JSC “IDGC Holding”, Federal Grid Company of the Unified Energy System (FGC of UES) of Russia and contracting organizations continue to work on routes of PTL 35-110 kV and in distribution grids in order to restore reliable electric power supply of Moscow Region. On the night of January, the 14th/15th 94 teams with 350 people were working on power facilities of MOESK, 48 units of specialized machinery were used. For January, 14th there were removed 1,317 trees from PTL, 44 supports were replaced, 18.63 km of wire were restored during works only on lines of distribution grids.

In the afternoon on January, 15th workforce of 203 teams (1,006 people) and 245 units of machinery were used during restoration works. Including 94 teams from branches of JSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company”; 29 – from companies of JSC “IDGC Holding”; 13 – from FGC of UES and 67 from contracting organizations.

On January, 15th 2011 scheduled repair and restoration works on elimination of consequences of technological disturbances in electric grids of JSC “MOESK” will be continued in Moscow Region in order to provide required parameters of reliability in electric power supply of region’s consumers.

Carrying out of scheduled arrangements will require to switch out from electric power of consumers in several inhabited communities, particularly:

in the south – in Podolsk district (Tovarischevo village, “Mechta” summer camp from 9:00 a.m. till 5:00 p.m.), in Ramenskoe district (Nadezhdino, Biserovo, Lesnoe, Yurovo villages from 9:00 a.m. till 5:00 p.m.), in Domodedovo district (Mikhajlovskaya, Stupino, Mitino, Polushkino, Glotovo villages from 9:00 a.m. till 5:00 p.m.);

in the west – in Odintsovo district (Dubki, Krymskoe, Lyakhovo, Trufanovka, Yakshino, Ugryumovo from 8:00 a.m. till 5:00 p.m.), in Istra district (Glebovo village, Filatovo village from 08:00 a.m. till 5:00 p.m.), in Ruza district (Poluektovo, Kuzyanino, Tovarkovo, Kostino, Samoshkino, Novaya from 08:00 a.m. till 05:00 p.m);

in the east – in Shatura district (Kleymeshino, Semenovskaya, Garmonikha villages from 03:30 p.m. till 06:00 p.m.), in Orekhovo-Zuevo district (Sofryakovo, Chukaevo, Arinino, Aksenovo, Vasyutino villages from 09:00 a.m. till 06:00 p.m.).

JSC “MOESK” asks citizens not to worry and keep calm. You can ask interested questions by twenty-four hour multi-line telephone of “Light line” of Moscow United Electric Grid Company 8-800-700-40-70 and by telephones of temporary informational centres, established in every district of electric grids of JSC “MOESK” (see contact information at the Company’s web-page http://www.moesk.ru/press/news/detail.php?ID=13287).