
According to Chairman of the State Duma Committee for Energy – Chairman of Moscow  Regional Council of the “United Russia” Party’s followers Yury Lipatov: “Followers of the “United Russia” Party will discuss the issues related to reliable power supply provision of consumers of the Moscow region’s municipal entities and will propose the efficient strategies and solutions. The conference participants will analyze the situation of power supply of the Moscow region consumers in autumn and winter period of 2010-2011, condition of the distribution power grid complex of Moscow area and reasons of major blackouts in Moscow region within the period of December 26, 2010 – January 3, 2011, as well as will exchange experience in the field energy security with representatives of Republic of Tatarstan and study projects aimed at energy efficiency enhancement in town of Noginsk and town of Korolyov”.

The following persons will participate in the conference:

Lipatov Yury Aleksandrovich – Chairman of the Committee for Energy of the State Duma of FC RF, Chairman of Moscow Regional Council of the “United Russia” Party;

Zhidkin Vladimir Fyodorovich  - Deputy Chairman of the Government of Moscow Region;

Ferapontov Alexey Viktorovich – Deputy Head of “Russian Technical Supervision” (Rostekhnadzor);

Shvets Nikolay Nikolaevich – Director General of IDGC Holding, OJSC;

Konovalov Andrey Pavlovich – Director General of JSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company”;

Heads of the Moscow region’s municipal entities, as well as authorized representatives of Ministry of Energy (Minenergo), Federal Forestry Agency and of other ministries and departments.

The Conference will take place on February 15 at 12.00 in the Moscow Regional Duma at the address: Moscow, Prospekt Mira, 72 (Building of the Moscow Regional Duma – conference room).