
The branch of JSC “MOESK” - Southern Electric Grids has met the electricity losses reduction plan for 2010. In this respect, they saved up 5.28 million kWh of electricity.

As from the beginning of the year, 973 spot-checks have been held in the responsibility zone of SEG to reveal unaccounted electricity consumption and electricity consumption without agreements.

A series of measures are performed to reduce the number of losses, namely: improvement of the systems of settlement and technical accounting, monthly calculation of electricity balances in respect of the 6 – 10 kV feeders in order to increase the number and quality of spot-checks in inhabited localities for the purpose of finding “centers” of losses. As a result of the held spot-checks, 633 certificates in respect of unaccounted electricity consumption for 11,305 thousand kWh and 688 certificates in respect of electricity consumption without agreements for 13,541 thousand kWh were compiled within a year. RUR 12 million 961 thousand 525.36 were received on the enterprise’s account under the certificates in respect of electricity consumption without agreements.
The employees of the branch have taken 344,680 readings of the accounting devices and performed 16,108 checks of accounting devices within the framework of the electricity losses reduction program for the last year. The result of the performed organizational actions has equaled RUR 62,878.6 thousand kWh.


Replacement of a wire of 177,43 km on the overloaded lines on a wire with greater{big} section, 1 425 pieces of a measuring complex in a network 0,4кВ, 557 counters is made. The effect from performance of technical actions has made 17 million 826 тыс.кВтч.

According to deputy director ЮЭС on transport of the electric power of Andrey Strelchenko, « reduction of losses of the electric power, at its{her} transportation one of the major directions of work of the electronetwork enterprises, engaged transfer and distribution of the electric power. Spent actions are directed on performance of an annual planned target on decrease{reduction} in losses. As a whole performance of all complex of actions in this direction has allowed to lower losses of the electric power within the last year on 80 million 704,6 тыс.кВтч ».