
Due to the Department for Electric Energy Transportation, the Company’s specialists have made 61 statements on unaccounted electric energy consumption of 1.996 million kWt-hour within the period from February the 17th to February the 23rd under implementation of examinations. Eighty eight cases of agreement-free consumption of 742 thousand kWt-hour for amount of RUR 511.3 thousand have been revealed.

In comparison with last week, increase in amount of revealed unaccounted consumption by 2% (46.3 thousand kWt-hour) and reduction regarding agreement-free consumption by 32% (357 thousand kWt-hour) or by RUR 852.1 thousand can be seen.

One hundred and four statements for 1.12 million kWt-hour of previously drawn have been paid for. Amount of recovered dept equals RUR 3.575 million.

Work on prevention of unexecuted connections to electric grids and violations of rules for electric energy consumption account tools usage is important over the period of low temperatures due to maximum loading at grid infrastructure. Self-willed connection, and control-free usage of electric energy lead to overloading in distributive grids and worsening quality of electric energy supply to honest subscribers.