
In the High-voltage cable networks (HVCN) – a branch of JSC “MOESK” a plan on measures on preparation for operation in the period of spring thaw has been developed. A flood committee, which operates in close interaction with the Central flood committee of JSC “MOESK”, has been created in the branch.

Eduard Podadaev, the Deputy Director general– the director of the HVCN pointed out: “Preparation to passing of the spring flood in the HVCN has been started long before arrival of spring flood. Cable lines and constructions can get into the flood zone, while overflowing, and by thawed ground water. Algorithm of power engineers’ actions has been developed for years and this spring all the reasonable steps on elimination of danger for the equipment, building and constructions were taken.”

In the period of flood the mode of enhanced responsibly is established in the branch. A list of cable lines (CL) constructions 110-220 kV, which fall within the area of possible flood has been approved. A plan of measures on prevention of leakages and flood has been worked out. Responsible officers of the branch have been appointed. Extraordinary examinations of cable structures have been performed for the purpose of water removal systems and automation performance check, draining systems, dewatering means. Storm collectors, drainage wells have been examined and cleaned. Emergency response trainings with the operating and dispatching personnel have been performed. Examination of mototransport and mechanical means with respect to readiness for operation in conditions of flood has been performed. 

Measures on providing of reliable and uninterrupted performance of power engineers in the period of spring flood are controlled by Vladimir Burtovoy, the chief engineer of the HVCN.


Reliable electric power supply of consumers in the territory of Moscow is performed by three
branches of JSC “MOESK”.

High-voltage cable networks provide reliable power supply of the consumers in the territory of Moscow and the Moscow vicinity. There are more than 280 high-voltage cable power lines 110-500 kV of total length 900 km, 1125 cable structures in the area of responsibility of high-voltage cable networks. More than 150 feeding centers are connected by cable and aerial cable lines of High-voltage Cable Networks.

Transfer of electric energy in hour on the networks of the HVCN branch is more than 73 billion kW in 2010. 

Central Electrical Networks include 124 substations 35-110-220 kilovolt (kV), overhead transmission lines 35-110-220 кkV, with total length more than 1 144 km and more than 500 km cable transmission lines 0,4-20 kV, which are in the territory of the Capital.

Branch of JSC “MOESK” - the Moscow cable networks maintains electrical cable lines 0,4-20 and 35 kilovolt (kV) with total length more than 61 thousand km and more than 16 thousand distribution and transformation substations in Moscow.