
For four hours of work from 9:00 in the morning till 13:00 of 31 December, the specialists of MOESK and the power specialists of other companies of IDGC Holding helping them in restoration of electricity supply in the Moscow Area lowered the number of the disconnected transformer substations by 210 units: from 1,219 (at 9:00) to 1,009 (at 13:00).

Accordingly, the number of the Moscow Area inhabitants remaining without electricity decreased: from 9.5 to 9.1 thousand people. The problems with electric power supply are still experienced by the inhabitants of several settlements of the Istrinsky, Ramensky, Ruzsky and Podolsky Districts.

The emergency recovery works at high-voltage and distribution grids are held by 588 brigades representing 2,306 people with use of 299 units of technical equipment.

After connection of the main feeding centers in the evening of 30 December, the main task of today (31 December) is restoration of electric power supply in the range of low voltage 0.4-6-10 kV.

Let us remind that besides JSC “MOESK”, supply of electricity to consumers in the Moscow Area is carried out through the grid facilities which are registered on the balance sheet of territorial grid entities and/or other proprietors, which are not included in the responsibility zone of the company (more than 170 various organizations and enterprises). Thereof, it may happen that MOESK does not aware of the information on absence of electricity supply of the consumers connected to user's grids (which are not included in the responsibility zone of MOESK).

As at 13:00, 1,009 transformer substations (including 784 subscribers’ ones) are disconnected in the branches of JSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company”:

- Southern Grids - 345 TS, including 269 subscribers’ ones,
- Eastern Grids - 73 TS, including 34 subscribers’ ones,
- Northern Grids - 26 TS, including 20 subscribers’ ones,
- Western Grids – 565 TS, including 461 subscribers’ ones.