
Southern Electric Grids – the branch of JSC “MOESK” has held the Open House Day for the students of the college “Mosenergo”. The students of one of the main specialized educational institutions of Moscow implementing the program of the elementary and intermediate vocational education have visited the Moscow Electric Grids District.

During the excursion, the 5-year students have learned about the structure and territorial location of the branch, visited the dispatching board of the electric grid district, got acquainted with energy equipment and work conditions of the personnel. The specialists have told the future power specialists about the largest electric grid company of Russia, and answered the questions they have been interested in.

According Svetlana Agadzhanova, head of the production practice and employment of NSED (non-state educational establishment) - college “Mosenergo”, “visiting the energy enterprise is the important component of the pre-degree practice for senior students of all specialties since the object of their future professional work is power plants, substations, electric grids, repairing plants, design institutes and industrial enterprises which manufacture the equipment for energy industry”. She has thanked the management of SEG for attention and the help rendered in holding of the Open House Days and emphasized that “the production practice, which includes such actions, enables many people not only to fix the theory obtained in educational rooms, but also becomes the stimulus for the beginning of the professional career”.

Open House Days for schoolboys and students of Moscow and the Moscow Area are held at all branches of the company JSC “MOESK” throughout the year, and traditionally – at the beginning and the end of the academic year. The purpose of such actions is to tell about the trades demanded in the electric power industry, to make the young generation take interest in the work with the Company. The electric power industry is a dynamically developing sector. Here the continuity of generations, juvenation of the enterprise due to inflow of new, professionally prepared employees are very important.