
The meeting took place to gather heads of the Executive Office of JSC “MOESK” and administrative and technical staff of the operative and technical subdivisions at the branches of the Company. It was chaired by Anatoly Tchegodayev, the Deputy Director General, Technical Director of the Company.


The meeting was aimed at summarizing operations of JSC “MOESK” in 2010, and discussing results of the fall-winter period of 2010 – 2011, and plans for 2011.


Special attention was given to the period of large scale technological blackouts caused interruptions of power supply to consumers in the Moscow region from 25 December 2010 to 11 January 2011. Taking into account these events, measures for increasing reliability of power supply to consumers were discussed at the meeting. Such measures include replacement of non-isolated 0.4-10 kV OL wires laid through woodlands, on SSIW; modernization of 6-10 kV distribution grid layout in the Moscow region with primary application of grid partition and segmentation schemes; extraction of trees that may fall at 6-35 kV OL, 110-220 kV in accordance with the requirements of legal documents; introduction of modern facilities to examine state and identify places of damaged overhead power lines, monitor rides; create special-purpose teams in the organizational structure of JSC “MOESK” to implement emergency response and restoration operations in round-the-clock mode; supply branches of the Company with special-purpose high-duty equipment.


As well, it was proposed to estimate possibilities of heightening 35-220 kV OL poles and cabling OLs laid in parks and protected forest zones in Moscow and Moscow region; to elaborate measures aimed at increasing ice and wind resistance of 110-220 kV OL; develop a program for reconstruction of 35-220 kV OL with the lifetime of 50 years and longer.


It will be recalled that the analysis of large-scale irregularities in power supply to the consumers in the Moscow region carried out by the RF Ministry of Power Industry together with grid companies has demonstrated that these irregularities were mainly caused by fall and approach (tilt) of trees at an intolerable distance to the wires of overhead power lines under the weight of glaze-ice and rime deposition. In this connection, at present, Holding IDGC, JSC, is elaborating a target program aimed at widening project-narrowed rides for overhead power lines (OL) of 35 kV and higher, accompanied by drafting of corresponding project documents for each OL. This refers to the fact that in the majority of cases, existing rules for installation of power plants (EIC, 7 edition) in terms of ride width is insufficient for ensuring safe operation of >35 kV OL. The RF Ministry of Power Industry is planning to make corresponding amendments into the existing edition of EIC.