
On the 8th of April, the delegation of JSC “MOESK” headed by Andrey Konovalov, the Director General, took part in a business program of the Moscow International Power Forum and visited the International conference “Intellectual Electric Grids: global experience and prospects of Russia”. The conference gathered leading experts in the field of power industry, representatives of scientific and business community to discuss world’s trends and need in development of intellectual electric grids, increase in reliability and safety of electric grid operation, innovation potential for the intellectual electric grids and other issues.

This topic was addressed by the representatives of MOESK since creation of intellectual electric grids is one of the most important and promising trends of the Company’s operation under the conditions of the state economics modernization and construction of national innovative system, as well as development of distribution electric grid complex in order to ensure reliable and continuous power supply to consumers as it was mentioned by Andrey Konovalov.


Moreover, he stated the importance in that MOESK is participating in the Moscow International Power Forum. As he says, such measures are considered to be strategically useful and informative for the company, our experts, and power-related community in general, being a source for learning recent trends in the development of the industry, an impulse to new business contacts, and strengthening of common efforts for the purpose to increase power efficiency and conservation.

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