
JSC MOESK participated in WasteTech exhibition, the leading Forum devoted to such issues as waste management, environmental technologies and renewable energy in Russia, CIS and Baltic countries.

The exhibition was supported by the RF Ministry of Natural Resources and Energy, the RF Ministry of Regional Development and the International Solid Waste Association. Since 1999 it has been the main specialized issue-related event.

The business program of such Forum, including the conference, round tables and workshops, provided an opportunity for the relevant ministries and departments, responsible for solving major ecological problems, to speak from the rostrum. 

One of the company’s key exposition themes in 2011 is restoration of the natural balance, upset by abnormal acts of nature in 2010-2011, by means of a wide-scale tree-planting campaign named as “Distribution Power Grid Complex – for environment protection”, initiated by IDGC Holding. Since April 23 of the year, within the territory of Moscow and Moscow Region power engineers of “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” have planted out nearly 50 000 deciduous and coniferous trees transplants of different species. In the Moscow Region, tree-planting is carried out in order to compensate for necessary tree cutting and restore the natural balance.

Another purpose of JSC MOESK participation in the exhibition is sharing expertise with the Russian and foreign major relevant enterprises on the following issues:

- implementation of the latest scientific and technical achievements in the field of waste management;
- waste minimization and waste materials commercialization;
- regulation of the industrial waste collection, record-keeping, delivery and management;

- prevention of the products adverse impact on health of the enterprise’s employees and the environment.

According to the Head of Ecological Department of JSC MOESK Natal’ya Balabaeva, “participation in such kind of exhibitions grants an opportunity to learn of the most advanced solutions for reaching environmental targets at the place of production, to study up-to-date means of waste recycling as well as to evaluate the current requirements level, specified by international standards with regard to the issue”.


Proper and timely giving priorities to ecological safety of electric power generation and transmission, becomes increasingly actual today, when life quality is measured not only by environment purity, but also by full, if possible, meeting the human demand for electric power quantity and quality. Environmental problems solution is one of the principal areas of JSC “MOESK” activity.