
On 5 March of this year, the Central Customer Office (CSC, or customer service center) of Moscow United Electric Grid Company arranged a presentation of new services for customers.

As part of the media tour, Pavel Livinskiy, manager of the Department for Fuel and Energy Sector of Moscow and Stanislav Khatskevich, Deputy General Director of JSC “MOESK” for grid connection and services implementation described new standards of grid connection in the Company, and answered journalists’ questions.

As from the third quarter of the last year, JSC “MOESK” has been introducing modern customer relations services. The process of connection to electric grids has become transparent and accessible to consumers: the time of consideration of documents has been reduced; the number of clients’ visits to offices of our company has been reduced. This is facilitated by the work of the call-center, grid connection portal created on the Company's website that contains all the information needed for electricity customers in Moscow and the Moscow Area. The portal was launched in September 2012, and this resource changed considerably in March of this year for customers’ convenience. The main “highlight” of the portal is gradation of information by the capacity to be connected.

Interactive services, such as the “Personal Account”, possibility to learn the status of an application on the portal of the company, and others have earned customers’ interest. Recently, maps of the Moscow and the Moscow Area feeding centers loads have appeared on the portal. This allows you to get accurate and reliable information about functioning of the electric grid complex in the Moscow Region. Very soon, the clients will be able to submit an electronic application to MOESK via the portal. Clients’ visits to the grid company will be reduced to a minimum in the future.

The changes resulted in definite positive results. In order to connect up to 150 kW of capacity, customers in Moscow and the Moscow Area need to make only 3-5 visits to client offices instead of 10-15 visits to the electric grid company. For certain categories of applicants, the entire grid connection process - from registration of an application to supply of electricity to a facility will take just 100 days.

Customers attending the CSC of JSC “MOESK” by their feedback have supported managers’ statements. Nikolay Gladkov, individual entrepreneur, former power engineer, regular customer of the Company told about significant changes in the algorithm of grid connection in MOESK. He noted that electronic queues reduced waiting time in a queue and CSC specialists are skilled professionals who do not just accept documents, but render advisory opinions to clients. “I connected a house in Pavlov Posad, and when, just a week after filing in the application I got a grid connection contract, I simply did not believe it, I was sure of a mistake or thought it was somebody’s joke,” Nikolay said. “Through my personal example, I saw the quick work of the MOESK Internet Reception, as well as the telephone hotline. The most enjoyable and beneficial thing for consumers is the fact that MOESK raised the bar of changes and through this stimulates other companies in the industry to improve the quality of services.”

In conclusion of the media tour, in presence of journalists, a real facility – MFC (Multifunctional Center) located in the 3rd Krutitskiy Side Street of Moscow was connected to electrical grids of JSC “MOESK”.