
Branch of JSC “MOESK” – Southern Electric Grids carries out reconstruction of substation 110 kV “Sitnya” in Stupino district of Moscow Region.

During the first stage of reconstruction, which fell on the end of the last year, MOESK together with subsidiary company JSC “Plant RETO” executed design and survey works on modernization of power centre. Project of temporary power supply of substation for Substitution of power transformers was worked out. Instead of transformer with capacity of 10 MVA transformer with capacity of 25 MVA was installed.

Next in turn – works on Substitution of the second transformer. According to the schedule old pedestal for transformer is dismounted and new one is being produced, bas arrangement and equipment 10 kV is being mounted, cables of secondary communication is being laid. Holding of start-up and adjustment trials and switching of new transformer is planned in the end of the first – beginning of the second quarter of the current year.

As a result of Substitution of transformers substation capacity will increase by 30 MVA. This will allow to increase quality and reliability of electric supply of Stupino district of Moscow Region as a whole, will give possibility to connect to electric grids new consumers and socially important objects.

The most important of them – the first in Russia low-rise satellite city Novoe Stupino with developed infrastructure and working places, constructed with the support of Ministry of Regional Development of RF, Government of Moscow Region and administration of Stupino municipal district. It is planned that in the long view there will live up to 55 ths. people. The city will combine comfortable affordable housing, industrial park “Stupino 2” with enterprises of environmentally friendly production, social and commercial infrastructure.

Amount of inquired capacity at the moment is 10 MVA, which will allow to perform construction and operation of infrastructure facilities during the first stages of project’s realization.

As director of branch of JSC “MOESK” – Southern Electric Grids Mikhail Ezhokhin pointed out, Investment Program of 2013 is aimed at construction of new and modernization of acting objects. Only in Stupino district more than 450 objects are included in Investment Program. Among them are such large power centers, as substations 110 “Luzhniki” and “Sitnya”. Total capital investments of the company into electric grid complex of Southern Moscow Region in this year will amount to approximately RUR 8 bln.