
At the moment power engineers of branch of JSC “MOESK” – Eastern Electric Grids (EEG) carry out works on grid connection of privileged consumers in several urban settlements of Kolomna district of Moscow Region at once. Thus, in Panovo village for execution of electric supply of newly given 23 plots on Druzhnaya street construction of overhead line (OL) 0.4 kV, OLI 10 kV is being completed, top-loaded vertical transformer substation (TVTS) 100 kVA is installed.

In Mayachkovo village on Uspenskaya street, consisting of new constructions, all works on the part of grid organization are executed, including 1.2 km of OL 0.4 kV are mounted. And in Ignat’yevo village the second additional transformer with capacity of 100 kVa is installed at SS 277 and 0.6 km of OL 0.4 kV are mounted for electric supply of residents on Vishnyovaya street, situated on newly given grounds.

According to words of Head of Kolomna District of Electric Grids Vladimir Klishin, “help of administrations of rural settlements, which in the most of the cases undertake part of procedures on conformation of documents, has no small important significance for power engineers. That reduces significantly not only time of agreement’s execution, but also minimizes its cost value”.

Up to 20 visitors come daily at the reception in client office of Kolomna District Electric Grids. And this is far from being the border. According to experience of the last years, the most influx of clients is expected in April-May, when the main applicants become exactly consumers of privileged category.

In front Kolomna power engineers of EEG have a lot of work on execution of grid connection of consumers to grids of JSC “MOESK”, that is why a great attention is paid both to liabilities on terms of execution of agreements and to quality of performed projects.

In 2012 Kolomna District of Electric Grids accepted 1,033 applications for grid connection (it is the highest indicator among 12 districts of electric grids of eastern branch of JSC “MOESK”). During realization of concluded agreements more than 21 km of OL with the voltage of 0.4 kV, more than 5 km of OL 10 kV are put into operation, 45 substations with total capacity of 3.5 MVA are constructed. 162 Construction Contract Agreements are executed. Among completed works on grid connection of consumers of privileged category (up to 15 kW cost of agreement amounts to RUR 550) – is new construction in Schepot’yevo village, where more than 2 km of OL 0.4 kV are mounted and top-loaded vertical transformer substation 63 kVA is installed, and also gardeners’ non-commercial partnership “Malinovka” in Zmeyovo village, where 1.2 km of OL 10 kV, 0.6 km of OL