
Power engineers of the Southern branch of JSC “MOESK” are introducing the new capacities and carrying out large-scale works to renovate the distribution grids of the Moscow Region, aimed at the quality and reliability increasing of the consumers’ power supply.

Complex of the arrangements has been completed to bring the voltage level in houses of the dwellers of village Vas’kovo of Stupino region to the normative indicators. For this goal a reconstruction of 1-kilometer area of 0,4 kV overhead line, which includes a substitution of the poles and wire by a self-supporting insulated conductor, and also a new pole-mounted transformer substation (PMTS) with the capacity of 100 kVA has been installed.

Works were carried out within the framework of the repair program implementation and the grid connection program to the grids of JSC “MOESK”.

As Valeriy Akimov specified, the head of Stupino distribution zone, “Vas’kovo” – is a large enough population aggregate on our district’s scale. Over 60 houses are counted here, where both local residents and those people live, who has chosen this place to have a rest and to practice fruit farming. The village’s distribution grids, constructed in 1984, are obsolete now. In this context a decision was taken to substitute the obsolete equipment by the modern one and to install an additional TS (transformer substation), which will make it possible to take off a part of load from the existing PMTS - 250 kVA, and also to energize the newly constructed houses”.

In 2012 JSC “MOESK” spent over RUR 158 mln for the renewal and enlargement of 0,4/6/10 kV distribution grids in Stupino district of Moscow Region. During the last year 187 facilities, 4 MVA of the transformer capacity, over 89 kilometers of the power transmission lines were introduced into the fixed assets.