
Customer Service Centers of JSC “MOESK” have been working for over two months already (from 29.11.2012) in everyday regime of the applications receiving for the grid connection. And if in December of the last year the new working regime was just tested, then in January of 2013 it gave the Company the tangible results

Among over 30 customer service centers (CSC), functioning in JSC “MOESK”, consumers of the branch of the Company “Eastern Electric Grids” are serviced by seven CSC – in cities: Noginsk, Reutov, Kurovskiy, Kolomna, Zaraysk, Shatura and Yegor’yevsk. On the first week of January of 2013 the Customer Service Centers of EEG got 302 addresses, from them 90 ones were got for the grid connection from natural persons. On the second week of January 511 addresses were registered, from them 252 ones were got for the grid connection. For the third week of January the number of the applications grew up to 592, for the fourth, incomplete week 397 applications were fixed. In the opinion of the TC service’s specialists, a notable tendency of increase of the applications’ number formed towards the end of January, definitely owing to everyday schedule of their receipt – which is more convenient.

On the whole in January of 2013 the Customer Service Centers of the Eastern branch had got 1802 addresses, which exceeded the similar indicators of 2012 by almost 2 times (a year ago 983 addresses were accepted in January).

So, the plan on the proceeds under the grid connection contracts was fulfilled by 106,8 % for January of 2013 – the actual proceeds amounted to RUR 9,2 mln instead of the planned RUR 8,6 mln. As compared to the level of the same indicator for 2012, the proceeds under the TC contracts have increased by 44 % (fact of January of 2012 – RUR 6,419 mln.). Thereby the plan of the payments receipt for the TC services has been fulfilled by 145,2%’ and it actually amounts to RUR 9,6789 mln, under the planned volume of RUR 6,667 mln.

As a result, the capacity of 4.44 Megawatt was connected for January of 2013, and the plan had been 2 Megawatt. As compared to the same period of the past year the connected capacity increased by 2.5 times (the fact of January of 2012 – was 0.8 Megawatt).

Customer-oriented approach of the Company promotes to a steady optimization of the connection process of the consumers to the electric grids of JSC “MOESK”, its improving according to the consumers’ needs, including owing to provision of accessibility and transparency of the TC procedure. Besides that, thanks to a whole complex of measures the procedure of the applications receipt from the customers has been simplified maximally, and a status of the applications can be traced with the help of Internet–resource “application routing” on the web portal of JSC “MOESK”.

Over the long term Customer Service Centers, located in the territory of Moscow Region, are planned to be placed in places accessible for the population. Now CSC are “confined” to the administrative and technical buildings of DZ (distribution zones), it creates certain inconveniencies to the customers in certain administrative districts. In particular, CSC, located in city Reutov, in the territory of Balashikha distribution zone, where a big number of the industrial enterprises is concentrated, will be relocated in the closest time to a place which is more convenient and accessible for the population.

Company stipulated also an increase of the staff size of the employees of the customer groups. They will work five days a week, including obligatorily Saturday; it will give an opportunity to the working citizens to draw up grid connection applications without trouble. CSC of Noginsk DZ, located in village #13, in Radchenko street of Noginsk city started working in January on such a schedule – from Tuesday to Saturday, from 9:00 to 17:00 without a pause for lunch.

Executive Board of MOESK took a decision in 2013, to bring the Customer Service Centers to the United Standard not only with regard to the work organization with the consumers, but also with regard to their exterior, subject to the interior design and a procedure of the information layout for the customers. In the opinion of the Company’s first persons, all these measures will make it possible to raise the service operation of the Company’s customers to a new, more qualitative level.