
Grateful letter from the constructors of micro district “Molodezhny-3” of Lukhovitsy was received in Internet-receiving office of JSC “MOESK” to the address of Acting Director General Pyotr Sinyutin.

Words of gratitude are expressed in it, for the power supply connection of the rural settlement, for the attentive attitude, professionalism of the personnel under execution of the technological connection documentation.

Let us recall, that in autumn of the past year, Moscow United Electric Grid Company connected 425 areas to the electric grids, which had been allocated for the individual construction in rural settlement “Molodezhny-3” of Lukhovitsy region.

Works on the technological connection of micro district “Molodezhny -2” took place simultaneously, the infrastructure and residential accommodation of which were actively prepared to commissioning.

According to the technical specifications, it was necessary to erect more than 0,6 km of 10 kV overhead lines (OL) and more than 2,6 km 0,4 kV OL, to launch two complete transformer substations with the voltage of 10 kV and capacity by 630 kVA. The works were performed by two contractor organizations with the terms observance, determined by the contract.

On the eve of the New Year one substation was switched on, and now the other substation is ready to switching on. So, the technological connection of one more micro district of Lukhovitsy town has been completed, and 240 constructors are connected to the power supply.

Let us recall, that to increase the Company’s information openness, within 2012 year the executive board of branch of JSC “MOESK” “Eastern Electric Grids” met with the representatives of the administrations of Kolomna, Voskresensk, Lukhovitsy, Ozyori, Zaraysk municipal districts and city district Kolomna, regarding the perspective cooperation issues. Cross initiatives of the local authorities and power engineers are aimed, first and foremost, at the plans realizing of the organizational and technical arrangements on each district development. The worked out measures have already given their results in the common goal achievement – provision of good quality and reliable power supply of consumers.

By the words of head of Lukhovitsy distribution zone Vladimir Vakulenko, all the five heads of the rural settlements’ administrations of the region have already represented the plans as to the areas allocation for the individual housing construction for the current year.

– Such information will help the power engineers to revise their perspective plans. After all, each such area presupposes the availability of about 30 constructors, which must be necessarily connected to the power supply within the terms established by the regulation, – specified he.