
While working at the power supply quality increase of the consumers, JSC “MOESK” pays a special attention to the citizens’ addresses, received to the Company’s trust line. Thanks to one of such addresses, a fact of electric power thievery has been recently revealed in the East of Moscow Region.

A woman, inhabitant of Egor’yevsky district, helped to find electric power thieves. Having dialed the trust line of branch of JSC “MOESK” – Eastern Electric Grids, the woman reported on a possible unlawful connection to the electric grids of several houses in one of the villages of Egor’yevsky district.

Committee consisting of the specialists of security management and electric power transportation management of branch of JSC “MOESK” - Eastern Electric Grids, arrived at the place specified. As a result of the electric grid equipment checking of the given locality, they established that a connection of two houses to 0,4 kV grid had been carried out actually with the established procedure violation. Acts for the non-contractual power consumption for 8,553.6 kWh for the sum of more than RUR 20 ths. were drawn up in relation to the subscribers, whereupon their houses were deenergized.

We shall specify that is far not the first revealed case of electric power thievery. Only in 2012, within the framework of the arrangements on the quality and reliability increase of power supply of Moscow Region’s consumers, the power engineers of the Eastern branch of Moscow United Electric Grid Company carried out 1,287 raids, by the results of which they drew up 1177 acts for 25,0 mln. kWh of the non-accounted consumption and 773 acts for 5,9 mln. kWh of the non-contractual consumption at the sum of about RUR 20 mln. Among them over RUR 16 mln have been already collected as of today.