
JSC “MOESK” is implementing successfully a program of arrangements on protection and rational use of the natural resources. In 2012, branch Central electric Grids installed the devices of the emergency oil drain systems at 9 substations; these systems exclude a penetration of the processed oil products into the soil, surface and subterranean waters.

Works on the noise level measurement have been fulfilled fully at 16 substations. By the researches’ results, carried out in the territories of a housing construction in the daytime and nighttime, no excess of the noise levels is available, preconditioned by the function of the substations’ equipment.

Results of the atmospheric air analysis in the affected area of emissions from the electric substations indicate that the ground level concentration of contaminating agents conforms to the requirements of air quality of populated areas.

Chemical analysis of surface water run-offs made on 13 indicators, confirmed conformity to the maximum allowable level’s norms.

Examined level of the electrostatic field strength at 17 substations of the Central Electric Grids conforms also to the hygienic norms.

According to the approved schedule of control of the environmental protection equipment’s state of the branch and the requirements observance of ecological safety, 49 different assignment facilities were checked for the reporting period.

“Objectives fulfillment of the ecological policy of JSC “MOESK” – is a part of everyday and permanent work for the Central Electric Grids at all the facilities, where construction, reconstruction or protective treatment of the equipment is carried out, - specifies Deputy Director General – Director of CEG Roman Voinov. – While exercising a constant monitoring of the equipment and control of the economic activities, the employees of CEG provide the quality observance of the environment and technological norms, according to the federal and regional laws”.