
The branch of JSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” has ensured technological connection of the New Year’s facilities to the grid. More than five hundred of firs and a hundred of trees have obtained festive shining thanks to prompt actions of MCG’s energy specialists.

Moscow Cable Grids organized supply of electricity to the facilities in the pedestrian areas of Moscow. Firs were connected, lighting of facilities and illumination in Tverskaya Street, Kamergersky Lane, Kuznetsky Most, Stoleshnikov Lane, etc were ensured. Energy specialists of MCG not only met technical tasks, but also were directly involved in the work with special equipment.

Let us remind that a plan to create pedestrian areas is implemented in Moscow. Over the next two years, their total length may amount to no less than 17 kilometers. Today the capital has the pedestrian Arbat, part of Stoleshnikov Lane and Kamergersky Lane. In autumn of 2012, Moscow Government decided to extend these pedestrian zones. According to this plan, a road for pedestrians from Stoleshnikov Lane to “Detsky Mir” of nearby 1.8 kilometers in length appeared by the end of the year.

All named places, and an area in front of TSUM (Central Department Store) are illuminated by MCG - the largest branch of JSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company”. The contribution made by Moscow power engineers was highly appreciated by Sergey Sobyanin, Mayor and Pyotr Biryukov, Deputy Mayor for Housing and Public Utilities Issues.