
According to the data of the Dispatching office of Moscow Energy System (MosRDO), on Tuesday on the 18th of December at 18:00 the electric power consumption in Moscow Energy System reached the historical peak– 17,6 giga-watt under the temperature -11 degrees. It’s by 15,2% or 2,327 megawatt more than the last year’s indicators – on the 20th of December of 2011 (Tuesday) at 18:00 under the temperature -02 degrees, the maximal value of the consumed capacity amounted to 15,272 megawatt.

In spite of the electric power increased consumption, the energy facilities of JSC “MOESK” are functioning steadily, no power supply failures are available. A special attention is paid to the mostly loaded energy nodes and power supply of socially significant facilities.

Should any technological disturbances occur, a well-defined notification flow chart and calling of the emergency response and restoration teams is stipulated in the Company. A readiness to the function of mobile power stations (diesel generator set, mobile power station) is secured, to which, if necessary, the socially important consumers and life support facilities will be connected quickly.

Let us recall, that a historical peak of energy consumption in Moscow region was fixed the last winter – on the 13th of February of 2012, under the temperature -24 degree the energy consumption amounted to over 17,5 Giga watt.