
In a letter to the address of Deputy Director General of JSC “MOESK” – Director of branch “Northern Electric Grids” Vladimir Shitin, Natal’ya Churkina, Director of Katuarovskaya secondary general education school thanked the branch’s employees for the “cooperation in the work on the children’s traumatism prevention and safety training when using electric appliances”. The teacher gave prominence to a creative approach of giving classes of occupational safety of engineer Irina Filatova.

It’s not the first praise, which the occupational safety specialists of the Northern Electric Grids are singled out for. Since summer of 2009 they participate in implementation of a long-term program “Kind electricity – to children”.

During this period, over 300 classes have been given in children’s and general education institutions, located in responsibility area of NEG. They are held in form of a play for kids, for senior high school students – in form of a serious conversation. In both cases – with a wide use of a descriptive material. Children take part in absorbing competitions, obtain prizes, souvenirs and memory cards on the safety measures observance when using electric appliances. Beside the knowledge on the electricity handling requirements, they acquire skills of the first aid treatment, for forty five minutes of the classes.

Work in the Northern Electric Grids is organized by such a way, that the learners of children’s and general education institutions become several times the participants of program “Kind electricity – to children” for the period of training. However, nobody aspires here to figures “by scope”, but they rather give other eloquent statistics – within the last years the responsibility area of the Northern Electric Grids has got a stable tendency to the number reduction of the children’s traumatism cases when using electric appliances.

Participants of the project are convinced, that it’s necessary to bring the well-proven program “Kind electricity – to children” to qualitatively another level, in order to consolidate the results obtained, to go on the way of prevention of the electrical traumatism cases and offer to give electric safety classes within the framework of school classes “Fundamentals of vital activity safety”, i.e. on a permanent basis.

“Line” of the handbooks for the classes giving has been already prepared – from the animated films, colorful banners to the hand-out material. The textbooks of methodic for teachers are practically ready.