
Today, on the 14th of December, a solemn launch of 110/10 kV substationFetischevotook place in micro districtKuznechikiof Podolsk.
New feeding center is built according to the orders of the Russian Federation President and by the Government decrees of Moscow Region. The main consumer of electric power – is new micro district “Kuznechiki” in Podolsk, tailored for 50 thousand dwellers and being one of the facilities of the program, implemented the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, on the housing provision for the military men, transferred to the reserve and members of their families.


The following people took part in the solemn launch of the facility: Deputy Chairperson of the Moscow Region Government Dmitry Pestov; Deputy Director of the public sector customer department for the capital construction of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation Gleb Kapustnikov; Deputy Chairperson of the Moscow Region Duma, member of the Committee regarding the property relations’ issues, land use, natural resources and ecology Alexey Bodunkov; head of JSC “MOESK” Pyotr Sinyutin; the administration representatives of Podolsk town; the electric grid company’s top management.


In his opening address, Deputy Chairperson of the Moscow Region Government Dmitry Pestov specified, that the new substation – is an innovative facility, equipped up to the state of the art. “The feeding center launch – is an important event both for the city and for the region. The new energy capacities give actually life to a big district, create conditions for the new consumers’ connection to the electric grids, and accordingly for development of the infrastructure and business environment”, - stated Dmitry Pestov. He specified also, that a solemn event in itself doesn’t mean yet, that the agreements between the Moscow Region Government and JSC “MOESK” regarding the launch and enlargement of the feeding centers, are fulfilled when due and to the fullest extent.

75 many-storeyed houses, 6 schools by 1,100 seats, 13 kindergartens, each being tailored for 140 kids, a hospital, corner shops, sports center, garages and other facilities of the infrastructure are being built in “Kuznechiki” as planned. In the long view they plan to construct a large shopping center and the orthodox temple. The district of the new buildings will become a city in a city, comparable to Moscow Region’s Lytkarino, Klimovsk or Fryazino as to the number of population.

Deputy Director of the public sector customer department for the capital construction of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation Gleb Kapustnikov specified a quickness in the facility construction and expressed a gratitude to the executive board of JSC “MOESK” for the problematics understanding of the military industrial sector, as well as for the comprehensive aid in the issues of construction and introduction of additional energy capacities.

Ris_3_14122012.pngHead of JSC “MOESK” Pyotr Sinyutin, in his turn, thanked all the gathered people for the joint fruitful work, one of the results of which became the new substation launch. “In 2012 the Company took a big step towards the consumers, performed a large-scale work on the reconstruction and construction of the energy facilities, and we are not going to be satisfied with what has already been achieved. On the eve of the professional holiday, the Power Engineer Day, I would like to add, that Moscow United Electric Grid Company will follow the way chosen and will continue providing the Moscow Region with new necessary energy capacities”, noted the head of MOESK..

The new substation launch, the installed capacity of which amounts to 126 MVA (the capacity for provision of the new consumers’ connection is 66 MVA), will make it possible to implement the connection of all the facilities of micro district “Kuznechiki” to the electric grid complex, as well as will provide a perspective demand satisfying for the electric capacity, in the affected zone of SS “Fetischevo” till year 2020, will increase a quality and reliability of power supply of Podolsk district of Moscow Region.

To implement the given project, the works have been performed at 110 kV SS “Schapovo” on the replacement of two transformers by 10 MVA by more powerful ones. As a result the substation’s total capacity was increased by 30 MVA. 110 kV double-circuit overhead line was built up from 110 kV SS “Schapovo” to the new construction site, with forming of two new 110 kV OL (overhead lines): “Lebedevo- Fetischevo” and “Fetischevo-Schapovo”. Totally, over 30 km overhead lines of 110 kV have been constructed and reconstructed to energize the substation. Substation “Fetischevo” has been constructed within the framework of the investment program of JSC “MOESK”. The facility cost amounts to over RUR 863 mln.