
The management of MOESK and its eastern branch met with the personnel of EEG (Eastern Electric Grids), which was estimated using the 360 degrees method, to discuss the results of evaluations. 

The meeting was attended by Nadezhda Krenyova, Deputy Director General of JSC “MOESK” for HR management; Vladimir Kruzhilin, director of the organizational design and human resources management department of the company; Andrey Vologin, Deputy Director General - Director of the Eastern Electric Grids; Alexander Burmistrov, Director for HR management of WEG, and representatives of the contractor - an expert organization. 

The eastern branch of MOESK evaluated 15 managers using the 360 degrees method; 11 of them are chiefs of electric grid districts of WEG. 

The essence of the 360 degrees evaluation method is comprehensive assessment of an employee - a potential applicant for a higher position. For this purpose, the contracting expert firm developed lists of questions to assess in several areas: flexibility, professionalism, loyalty, focus on result, accountability, efficient administration, management potential, future-oriented thinking, influence. A person is assessed comprehensively: he not only gives himself a personal assessment, but also gets assessments of the head, co-workers and subordinates. Then, all of the estimates are recorded in the database of the expert organization, analyzed, after which results and recommendations are reported to an employee. 

The 360 degrees evaluation method is unique and interesting because it allows everyone assessed to give himself\herself a fresh, slightly extraneous look and draw conclusions in terms of improving his/her performance. 

“Such meetings with assessed staff is a very interesting and useful event for everybody, rather than a routine”, Alexander Burmistrov, director for HR of WEG said. 

“The 360 degrees evaluation method system allows a person to push the boundaries of his/her perception and outlook, to understand what areas need additional training for him/her, how to build his/her own learning and training of his/her employees, how to build relations with management, colleagues and subordinated staff, whom he/she sees in the operational and strategic reserves, as well as answer many other important issues that are required for further career growth.