
JSC “MOESK” decided to create a single center of information exchange with customers and potential clients, “Light line of JSC “MOESK”.

Since 7 December, the uniform free phone number 8-800-700-40-70 will unite the functions of the “call center” for technological connection and emergency breaks and, subsequently, other information channels of JSC “MOESK”.

As a result, efficiency of interaction with customers of the Company, speed of response and transparency will be improved. Service customers will be able to leave a message in voicemail after operator’ business hours, while the network company will be able to trace the history of remote customer service. In addition, in order to optimize distance service, automatic SMS notices on change of the status of consideration of applications, which were sent earlier to JSC “MOESK”, will be launched soon.

The benefits of using a single information center are obvious: the incoming line combines all offices of full-time and part-time customer services. This will improve quality and speed of processing subscribers’ queries.

Moscow United Electric Grid Company builds work with customers using the principles of openness and transparency. To do this, the Company implements new technologies, advanced automation and current organizational and technical solutions.