
Moscow International Energy Forum “Fuel and Energy Complex of Russia in the XXI Century” (MIEF-2013) will start its works in “Expocenter” in Krasnopresnenskaya Embankment of the capital. JSC “MOESK”, among others, participates in the joint exposition of grid companies of the distribution complex.

The dominant feature of the exhibition of Moscow energy specialists will be cargo-and-passenger electric car Smith Edison, designed for field service teams (FST). It symbolizes a new and certainly a promising stage of the project to create a charging infrastructure for electric vehicles “MOESK-EV”, one of the originators of which was Moscow United Electric Grid Company. The content of the phase is to increase the share of electric vehicles in car stock of the company and use it to solve production problems.

IMG_8237.jpgIn particular, the car presented at the exhibition will soon “take up duty”, that is, will be operated by one of the divisions of MOESK, which is responsible for trouble-free operation of energy facilities in Moscow. For this purpose, the electric vehicle exhibit was tested in conditions close to real operating schedules of SFT transport means. During the tests, the routes were chosen in such a way as to cover all the elements that characterize traffic in the megacity - capital: traffic jams, traffic lights, bridges, long high-speed sections, etc. The test gave actual data of critical performance characteristics as maximum kilometers travels using one charge, electric power consumption per unit of kilometers travelled, etc.

More detailed results of the tests will be presented during the round table “Prospects for electric transport development in Russia: technological features of charging infrastructure creation” which is included in the program of plenary and section sessions. The event was organized by JSC “MOESK” on the initiative of JSC “UES FGC” and will be held on 09.04 at 2:00 p.m. within the framework of the round table, Russian and foreign experts will share their experience in implementing projects to develop the charging infrastructure for electric vehicles in Russia and the world, discuss prospects for implementing innovative vehicles, including electric off-road vehicle, vans and special vehicles.

It is expected that the round table will bring together representatives of relevant ministries and departments of the Russian Federation (the ministries of energy, transport, industry and commerce), the governments of Moscow and Moscow region, heads of regional energy companies, manufacturers of electric vehicles and charging stations, industry experts.