
Over 7,000 applications for grid connection, coordination and redistribution of previously fixed capacity were accepted by the specialists of the branch of JSC “MOESK” – “Southern Electric Grids” in January-March 2013. This figure exceeded the previous year’s figure by a half.

Under 3,926 applications for grid connection to the grids, company’s customers claim to capacity of over 150 MW. Almost 90% of applications are those of individuals claiming to the power of up to 15 kW. Grid connection is the most active in the field of individual housing and small businesses.

The results of the analysis give reason to believe that the number of applications this year has a strong tendency to increase. It is expected that their growth by the end of the year will equal at least 150%.

This result was achieved owing to particular measures taken in JSC “MOESK” to improve quality of customer service. The priorities of this activity include implementation of the program of optimization and transparency in the process of connection to the grids of the company.

In particular, for the convenience of consumers of grid connection services, the company’s client offices switched to new working hours, which are more convenient for applicants. The time periods of documents examination reduced; grid connection portal created on the website started to work. It contains all the information necessary for electricity consumers.

As part of continuous improvement of service for applicants, the maximum capacity of energy receiving units which is up to 150 kW inclusive, a simplified procedure for grid connection to electric grids was introduced “5 steps for 3 visits”. This regulation began in Moscow, and then expanded in the Moscow Region.

The effectiveness of the measures taken in MOESK has been already appreciated by many residents of the Moscow Area, representatives of small and medium businesses. For example, in one of the letters of gratitude, which were received by the Southern Electric Grids, the management of LLC “Energy Company VICAR” represented by V.A. Frizen, Director General, expresses gratitude to the Director of the branch of JSC “MOESK” – “Southern Electric Grids” Mikhail Ezhokin for operative work of the branch’s subdivisions for formation of the grid connection contract, which enabled to meet contractual obligations to the customer timely.