
Last winter in Moscow and the Moscow Area was characterized by increased amount of precipitation. In March, the energy specialists of the capital will have to work hard for adoption of enhanced security measures in the areas of the proposed flooding.

The High-Voltage Cable Grids (HVCG) - a branch of JSC “MOESK” has developed an action plan to prepare for the work during the spring snow melting. The branch has created a flood commission, which works closely with the Central Flood Commission of JSC “MOESK”.

The HVCG energy specialists start to get prepared for spring flooding long before it begins. After all, cable lines and facilities may get into in the area of flooding by both overflow by the river and snow melting, groundwater.

The High-Voltage Cable Grids implement flood protection works. Sergey Tikhonov, Deputy Chief Engineer for operations control of the High-Voltage Cable Grids said, “The enhanced responsibility state will be established in the branch during the floods. Already now, a list of 110-220 kV cable lines (CL) structures, located within the range of possible flooding, has been approved, and attendants have been appointed.

Rainwater catchments and drainage pits have been inspected and cleaned where necessary. Extraordinary inspections of cable structures are held in order to verify operability of the water trap systems and automation. Operational dispatch emergency response personnel pass emergency prevention trainings. The production bases of HVCG pass routine cleaning, snow removal is regularly carried out.”

The actions to ensure safe and uninterrupted work of energy specialists during the spring flood are headed by Vladimir Burtovoy, chief engineer of HVCG.

As in previous years, Moscow power engineers will work during the flood period in close contact with local authorities and civil defense and emergency management of Moscow.