
_DSC0376.jpg“Moscow United Electric Grid Company” (MOESK) is continuing to optimize the process of grid connection of consumers to electric grids.

“For applicants in Moscow, the maximum capacity of energy receiving units (ERU) of which is up to 150 kW inclusive, grid connection to the electricity grids of the company is carried out within the period of 125 days from the date of receiving the application. These regulations were also introduced in accordance with Government Decree #640 dd. 29.07.2013.

“Preparation and signing of the agreement take 15 days, implementation of the activities under the agreement takes 100 days, ERU inspection, preparation of certificates, supply of voltage take 10 days.

“Power supply is performed on the day of the inspection of the energy receiving unit, this is very convenient for the customers,” the director for customer relations of JSC “MOESK” Eduard Rakovsky explained. “In the future, this change in the regulation will come to the Moscow Area as well.”