
On 03.10.2013, the first meeting of the Consumer Council under JSC “MOESK” was held. The work of the Council was attended by the representatives of small and medium-sized businesses, public organizations and associations.

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Opening the meeting, General Director of JSC “MOESK” Pyotr Sinyutin stressed that the opinion and confidence of consumer is extremely important for the company. The Consumer Council is formed in order to increase consumer confidence, taking into consideration their opinion when making decisions regarding the optimal functioning and development of the company, as well as implementation of operational feedback between the consumer community and the grid company. “The Consumer Council is a collegial body that will help to strengthen the feedback, and we want, starting with the very first meeting, this to be the council with no domination, and all parties listen to each other, share a positive experience, we work out together mechanisms to improve our work,” Peter Alexeyevich said.

Within the first meeting of the Council, its participants discussed the steps of MOESK to improve the process of grid connection to electric networks, and, in particular, the policy of MOESK in the field of relations with customers - consumers of services.

As noted by the meeting participants, a great job has already been done by MOESK to enhance the level of customer service and customer-oriented approach development.

The topic of simplification of the procedures for grid connection (GC) to electric grids of JSC “MOESK” and implementation of the Roadmap “Improving access to energy infrastructure” was covered by Alexander Pyatigor, deputy director general for grid connection and services implementation. He gave the statistics that confirmed the positive changes in the work of MOESK. So, 63.5 thousand applications for grid connection were accepted for 9 months of this year. For comparison - 46.5 thousand applications were accepted for the entire year 2012. The number of contracts with customers is more than 50 million; 34.45 million contracts were concluded for 2012. Finally, performed contracts were 22,000 against nearby 17,000 contracts for the entire past year. Alexander Mikhailovich stressed time-shortening of GC procedures.

Alexander Khuruji, Chairman of the Non-profit Partnership of the Territorial Grid Organizations called “MOESK” “pioneer” regarding simplification of the grid connection procedure. This view was confirmed by Alexander Pyatigor’s speech in which he said that issuance of GC contracts is performed for 15 days, and grid connection is performed for 100 days in Moscow for certain categories of applicants. Alexander Mikhailovich also spoke about the tools of automation of provision of services for grid connection that were introduced in MOESK during the last year.

First of all, a special portal on grid connections was created on the website of the company that runs a number of online services - map of feeding centers, calculator, which allows to calculate the cost of grid connection before the application submission, “personal account”, possibility of filing an application through the portal and others. During the year, the portal was attended by more than 312.5 ths. customers (860 people daily on the average), which shows its relevance.

The plans of MOESK include automation of business process of GC procedure based on SAP and integration with GIS system to help applicants choose the optimal conditions for grid connection of its facility in Moscow and the Moscow Area.
Mikhail Bychkov, Director of the Legal Department of MOESK told about compliance with the antitrust laws of the Russian Federation, and analyzed the causes of their violation. Mikhail Yurievich noted a positive trend, told that MOESK receives significantly fewer instructions and resolutions of antitrust authorities compared to the last year.

The offer to exchange experiences and work together to create a trend of cooperation was made at the Council meeting by Yury Shalyganov, Chairman of the Moscow Area Regional Branch of the Interregional Public Organization “Moscow Union of Gardeners”.

Oleg Noskov, the session moderator - Head of the directorate for quality assessment of consumer services of MOESK stressed that the Consumer Council would form the company’s expertise in different fields of activity, develop proposals and recommendations, including for improvement of the regulatory framework. His functions will also include bringing of initiatives of JSC “MOESK” for consideration in public associations and associations of the business community.

The Consumer Council under JSC “MOESK” was created in August of this year, according to the order of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin on 29.07.2013. Svetlana Razvorotneva, Chairman of the Local Government and Housing and Public Services Policy of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation noted that the launch of the Consumer Council in MOESK had coincided with simultaneous development of this form of work all over the country.

Pyotr Sinyutin, the director general, stressed closing the meeting that MOESK as a public company shows always a great respect for the points of view of the business community and other customers, and declared his decision to take part in the subsequent meetings of the Consumer Council.