
2.jpgIn order to speed up the process of grid connection to electric grids of JSC "MOESK" and to reduce the number of customer visits to the offices of the company, the service "electronic application" has been put into commercial operation since the beginning of the year on the Portal http://utp.moesk.ru/. This service allows the applicant, without a personal visit to the office, to submit applications, send the required documents to the electric grid company, and receive notices about the main stages of their processing. The service "electronic application" was implemented within the framework of the MOESK pilot program for grid connection "Three steps for two visits". The updated version of "My Account" for customers was simultaneously launched on the Portal for implementation of the project.

Improvement of "My Account" touched first of all, the protection of personal data that meets the requirements of federal laws. Registering in My Account, the customer gets ID and password for access via secure channels.

Second, service capabilities were significantly expanded. The updated version stipulates opportunity of submitting an electronic application not only for the primary grid connection, but for several services at a time: temporary connection, increase, renewal, confirmation, redistribution of power, as well as issuance of duplicates for various documents.

1.jpgApplying for grid connection to electric grids, the client in real time can receive relevant information about the main stages of processing his or her application: information about the date of receipt of the application and its registration number, about sending the contract for grid connection to electric grids and technical specifications signed by the grid organization, date of entering into the contract on the implementation by the grid organization of technical specifications, actual connection and receipt (supply) of voltage and power to the facilities of the applicant, about drafting and signing of grid connection documents.

The My Account interface was developed in MOESK so that users of different levels will easily operate it.

In accordance with the grid connection program "Three steps for two visits", MOESK will continue to develop and improve online services in 2014 for the convenience of customers.