
Power engineers of Moscow Cable Grids (MCG) – a branch of JSC "MOESK" supply the voltage to the first facilities of innovative center "Skolkovo". 

Three transformer substations are switched on from cable and overhead power transmission line 20 kV; from them, in their turn, a series of the innovative center facilities will be energized: "Giperkub", "Matryoshka" and "Tekhnopark". 

Beside completion of the main works for organization of their power supply, two charging stations for electric transport are installed at the parking area near "Giperkub". In perspective, they will provide charging of electric buses of innovative center "Skolkovo" and electric cars of the personnel and guests of the center. 

All the works have been performed within the tight deadlines and with high quality. Till the year end the power engineers of MCG will have to perform a big scope of the works for the power supply organization of the innovative center. In particular, they plan to introduce 35 transformer substations more. To organize the power supply according to the constant scheme, the construction of a special gallery for cable lines will be completed. 

Let us specify that all the works are performed by the power engineers on the construction site, where over 200 construction organizations work simultaneously. They lay roads, communications, construct buildings, making their contribution into the creation and provision of functioning of the largest in Russia polygon of the innovations and advanced technologies. 

For reference only: 
Total territory of innovative center "Skolkovo" will amount to about 400 hectare. Here will be created the special conditions for researches and elaborations, including for creation of the energy and energy efficient technologies, nuclear, cosmic, biomedical and computer technologies. One of the main elements of the innovative center will become technical park "Skolkovo", which will have the territory of 60 hectare with the area of construction of 145 ths. square meters for the innovative companies, labs and centers of the collective use. Up to 600 companies will become the technical park residents.