
1. General information
1.1. Issuer’s full business name
Public Joint Stock Company “Moscow United Electric Grid Company”
1.2. Issuer’s shortened business name
Moscow United Electric Grid Company PJSC;
1.3. Issuer’s location
Moscow, Russian Federation
1.4. Issuer’s General State Registration Number
1.5. Issuer’s Tax ID
1.6. Issuer’s unique code assigned by the registration authority
1.7. URL of the webpage provided by one of the stock market information distributors in the information and telecommunication network Internet and URL in the Internet whose electronic address includes a domain name title whereto belongs to the issuer.
1.8. Date of an event occurrence (material fact), about which the message was compiled (if applicable)
February 18, 2020
2. Notice content
2. Statement content
2.1. The brief description of the event (action), the occurrence (commission) of which, in the opinion of the issuer, affects the value of its securities:
expiration of the term for sending offers by potential purchasers of non-documentary interest-free, non-convertible, with a centralized view of the rights of the 001P-02 series of PJSC MOESK exchange bonds (hereinafter referred to as the Exchange bonds), placed under the Exchange Bonds Program with the identification number 4-65116-D-001P-02E dated 08.02.2017, the registration number of the issue of securities 4B02-02-02-65116-D-001P dated 17.02.2020, the international code (number) of the Securities Identification (ISIN):
is not assigned on the date of disclosure
2.2. In the event of the relevant event (action) is relevant to or thereto related to a third party- the full corporate name (for non-profit organizations- name), location, Taxpayer ID (if applicable), OGRN code (if applicable) or surname, name, middle name (if any) of such individual:
To give information is turn to be impossible, because such information affects on the potential buyers of PJSC MOESK exchange bonds.
2.3. In case if the relevant event (action) is related to the decision taken by the authorized management body of the issuer or a third party, or is connected with such decision- the name of the authorized management body, the date of adoption and the content of the decision taken, the date of drafting and the number of the minutes of the meeting (proceedings) of the authorized management body in case, if the decision is made by the collegial management body of the individual concerned:
The decision was made by the Issuer's Sole Executive Body - Acting General Director of PJSC MOESK on February 17, 2020 (Order No. 181 dated February 17, 2020).
Content of the descision made:
To establish that the period for sending offers from potential buyers for concluding Preliminary contracts containing the obligation to conclude the basic contracts for the purchase and sale of exchange bonds on the date of commencement of Exchange bonds placement begins at 11:00 Moscow time on February 18, 2020 and ends at 15:00 Moscow time on February 18, 2020
Additional Information:
In accordance with the above order – the period for sending offers from potential investors for concluding Preliminary contracts for the sale of exchange bonds expired at 15:00 on 18.02.2020.
2.4. In the event that the relevant event (action) is relevant or can have a significant impact on the value of certain issuer's securities - the type, category (type) and other identification signs of such issuer's securities:
non-documentary interest-free, non-convertible, with a centralized view of the rights of the 001P-02 series of PJSC MOESK exchange bonds (hereinafter referred to as the Exchange bonds), placed under the Exchange Bonds Program with the identification number 4-65116-D-001P-02E of 08.02.2017 (hereinafter referred to as the Stock Bond Program), the issue ID number and the international code (number) of the Securities Identification (ISIN):
is not assigned on the date of disclosure
2.5. The date of occurrence of the relevant event (action), and if the corresponding event occurs in relation to a third party (the corresponding action is performed by a third party) - the date on which the issuer has learned about the occurrence of the specified event (the commission of the specified action):
February 18, 2020.
3. Signature
3.1. Corporate Secretary, acting in accordance with Power of Attorney No. 77/555-n/77-2018-5-238 dd 15.05.2018
______________ A.N. Svirin
3.2. Date «18» February 2020 year

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