
1. General information
1.1. Issuer’s full business name
Public Joint Stock Company “Moscow United Electric Grid Company”
1.2. Issuer’s shortened business name
Moscow United Electric Grid Company PJSC;
1.3. Issuer’s location
Moscow, Russian Federation
1.4. Issuer’s General State Registration Number
1.5. Issuer’s Tax ID
1.6. Issuer’s unique code assigned by the registration authority
1.7. URL of the webpage provided by one of the stock market information distributors in the information and telecommunication network Internet and URL in the Internet whose electronic address includes a domain name title whereto belongs to the issuer.
1.8. Date of an event occurrence (material fact), about which the message was compiled (if applicable)
February 17, 2020
2. Notice content
2. Statement content

2.1. Type, category (type), series and other identification signs of securities:
non-documentary interest-free, non-convertible, with a centralized view of the rights of the 001P-02 series of PJSC MOESK exchange bonds (hereinafter referred to as the Exchange bonds), placed under the Exchange Bonds Program with the identification number 4-65116-D-001P-02E dated 08.02.2017 (hereinafter referred to as the Stock Bond Program), the issue ID number and the international code (number) of the Securities Identification (ISIN) is not assigned on the date of disclosure.
2.2. Maturity date (for bonds and options of the Issuer):
1820 (One thousand eigth hundred and twenty) day since the beginning of exchange bonds placement.
2.3. The State Registration Number of the issue (additional issue) of securities and the date of state registration:
The registration number of the issue of securities and the date of registration 4B02-02-65116-D-001P of February 17, 2020.
2.4. Name of the registration authority that carried out the state registration of the issue (additional issue) of securities:
Name of the registration authority that has carried out the registration of the securities issue:
Public Joint Stock Company "Moscow Exchange MICEX-RTS"
2.5. The number of securities placed and the nominal value (if the nominal value is provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation) of each security:
The number of exchange bonds to be placed will be indicated in the document containing the terms of securities placement (hereinafter referred to as the Terms of securities placement).
Nominal value of each security of the issue:
1 000 (One thousand) rubles.
2.6. The method of placing securities, and in the case of placing securities through a closed subscription, also a circle of potential purchasers of securities:
Public offering.
2.7. In the event of granting to shareholders (participants) of the issuer and (or) other persons the priority right to purchase the securities placed- information about this circumstance and the date on which the persons who have the priority right to purchase the securities placed are determined (fixed):
not applicable.
2.8. The offering price of the securities placed by offering, or the order of its determination, or the information that the specified price or the order of its definition will be established by the authorized management body of the issuer after the state registration of the issue (additional issue) of securities and no later than the date of commencement of the securities placement:
The offering price of placement of exchange bonds will be indicated in the Terms of securities placement.
2.9. Terms of securities placement or the order of its determination:.
The terms of exchange bonds placement will be indicated in the Terms of securities placement.

2.10. The fact of registration (absence of registration) of the prospectus of securities simultaneously with the state registration of the issue (additional issue) of these securities:
The Exchange has provided the securities prospectus at the stage of assigning the identification number to the Exchange Bonds Program.
2.11. In case of securities prospectus registration, the procedure for ensuring access to the information contained in the securities prospectus:
Securities prospectus (hereinafter referred to as the Prospectus) is disclosed by Issuer at the web-site:
http://www.e-disclosure.ru/portal/company.aspx?id=5563; http://www.moesk.ru.
All interested parties may familiarize themselves with the Program, the Prospectus and the Terms of Release and obtain copies of them for a fee not exceeding the cost of their manufacture at the following address:
Building 2, 3, 2nd Paveletskiy Proezd, Moscow, Russian Federation, 115114; Telephone number:
+7 (495) 662-40-70 (ext. 11-32); fax:
+7 (499) 951-06-50.
The Issuer is obliged to provide a copy of this document to the holders of the Issuer's securities and other interested parties at their request for a fee not exceeding the cost of making such a copy within 7 (seven) days from the date of the request.
Issuer's bank account(s) details for the payment of expenses for document copying specified in this clause and the amount (the method of value determining) of such expenses are published on the Issuer's web-page.
A web-page that provides information on the Issuer and his securities:
http://www.e-disclosure.ru/portal/company.aspx?id=5563; http://www.moesk.ru
All interested parties may familiarize themselves with the Program, the Prospectus and the Terms of Release and obtain copies of them for a fee not exceeding the cost of their manufacture at the following address:
Building 2, 3, 2nd Paveletskiy Proezd, Moscow, Russian Federation, 115114; Telephone number:
+7 (495) 662-40-70 (ext. 11-32); fax:
+7 (499) 951-06-50.
The Issuer is obliged to provide a copy of this document to the holders of the Issuer's securities and other interested parties at their request for a fee not exceeding the cost of making such a copy within 7 (seven) days from the date of the request.
Issuer's bank account(s) details for the payment of expenses for document copying specified in this clause and the amount (the method of value determining) of such expenses are published on the Issuer's web-page.
A web-page that provides information on the Issuer and his securities:
2.12.In the event that securities of the issue (additional issue) admitted (allowed) to organized trading are placed by an open subscription with their payment by money or securities admitted to organized trading, the information on the intention of the issuer to submit to the registration body after the completion of the placement of securities a report on the outcome of the issue (additional issue) securities or notification of the results of the issue (additional issue) of securities:
Information on the document containing the actual results of placement of exchange bonds will be indicated in the Terms of securities placement
3. Signature
3.1. Corporate Secretary, acting in accordance with Power of Attorney No. 77/555-n/77-2018-5-238 dd 15.05.2018
______________ A.N. Svirin
3.2. Date «17» February 2020 year

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