
1. General information
1.1. Issuer’s full business name
Public Joint Stock Company “Moscow United Electric Grid Company”
1.2. Issuer’s shortened business name
Moscow United Electric Grid Company PJSC;
1.3. Issuer’s location
Moscow, Russian Federation
1.4. Issuer’s General State Registration Number
1.5. Issuer’s Tax ID
1.6. Issuer’s unique code assigned by the registration authority
1.7. URL of the webpage provided by one of the stock market information distributors in the information and telecommunication network Internet and URL in the Internet whose electronic address includes a domain name title whereto belongs to the issuer.
1.8. Date of an event occurrence (material fact), about which the message was compiled (if applicable)
2. Statement content
2.1. Type, category (type), series and other identifying characteristics of the securities being placed:
exchange-traded interest-bearing non-convertible uncertificated bonds with centralized accounting of rights of 001P-03 series of PJSC MOESK, placed by public subscription under the Program of Exchange-traded bonds (identification number 4-65116-D-001P-02E dated 02.08.2017), the registration number of the issue and the International Securities Identification Code (Number) (ISIN):
not assigned as of the date of disclosure.
2.2. Repayment period (for bonds and options of the Issuer):
1820 (One thousand eight hundred and twentieth) day from the date of the beginning of the placement of the Exchange-traded bonds.
2.3. The state registration number of the issue (additional issue) of securities and the date of its state registration (identification number of the issue (additional issue) of securities and the date of its assignment if, in accordance with the Federal Law On the Securities Market, the issue (additional issue) of securities is not subject to state registration):
Registration number of the issue of securities has not been assigned as of the date of disclosure, Exchange-traded bonds are placed within the framework of the Program of Exchange-traded bonds, which has identification number 4-65116-D-001P-02E dated 02.08.2017. (ISIN):
Not assigned as of the date of disclosure.
2.4. The name of the registering body that carried out the state registration of the issue (additional issue) of securities (name of the body (organization) that assigned the identification number to the issue (additional issue) of securities):
Registration number of the issue of securities was not assigned as of the date of disclosure, Exchange-traded bonds are placed under the Program of Exchange-traded bonds having identification number 4-65116-D-001P-02E dated 2/8/2017. The name of the registering body, which registered the Program of Exchange-traded bonds:
Public Joint Stock Company Moscow Stock Exchange MICEX-RTS.
2.5. The number of securities to be placed and the nominal value (if the presence of the nominal value is stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation) of each security to be placed:
The number of placed Exchange-traded bonds will be indicated in the document containing the conditions for the placement of securities (hereinafter - the Terms of securities placement). The nominal value of each security of the issue:
1 000 (One thousand) rubles.
2.6. The method of placing securities (opened or closed), and in the case of placing securities through a closed subscription, also a circle of potential purchasers of securities:
Public offering.
2.7. The placement price of securities or the procedure for determining it or information that the specified price or procedure for determining it will be established by the issuer's authorized management body after state registration of an issue (additional issue) of securities and not later than the starting date of the placement of securities:
The price of placement of the Exchange-traded bonds will be indicated in the Terms of securities placement.
2.8. Providing to the participants (shareholders) of the Issuer and (or) other persons the pre-emptive right for securities acquisition:
Pre-emptive right of acquisition of placed securities is not provided for.
2.9. Commencement date of the placement of securities:
July 22, 2020.
2.10. If the Issuer makes a decision to change (transfer) the commencement date of the securities placement, disclosed in the order provided above, the Issuer is obliged to publish in accordance with the regulations in the sphere of financial markets a report on the change of the date of commencement of securities placement in the News Feed and on the web page no later than 1 (one) day before the date of the securities placement published in the said statement.
The address of the web page provided by one of the distributors of information on the securities market in the information and telecommunication network of the Internet:
2.11. Expiration date of the securities placement or its determination.
Information on the end date of the placement of the Exchange-traded bonds will be indicated in the document containing the warranties for the placement of securities.
3. Signature
3.1. Corporate Secretary, acting on authority with the warranty of authority No.77/555-n/77-2020-2-1455 from 29.04.2020
______________ A.N. Svirin
3.2. Date «17 July 2020 L.S.» Seal 

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