
1. General Information
1.1. Issuer's full corporate namePublic Joint Stock Company "Rosseti Moscow Region"
1.2. Issuer's address indicated in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities3 2nd Paveletsky Ave., bldg. 2 115114, Moscow
1.3. Primary State Registration Number (OGRN) of the Issuer1057746555811
1.4. Taxpayer Identification Number (INN) of the Issuer5036065113
1.5. The Issuer's unique code assigned by the Bank of Russia65116-D
1.6. Internet page address used by the Issuer to disclose informationhttp://www.e-disclosure.ru /portal/company.aspx?id=5563; http://www.rossetimr.ru
1.7. Date of the event (material fact) about which the statement was drawn upMay 28, 2024
2. Statement content
2.1. Identification attributes of the Issuer's securities in respect of which income and/or other payments due to their holders were paid out:
non-convertible interest-bearing certificated exchange-traded bonds in bearer form of БО-05 series subject to mandatory centralized custody, PJSC "Rosseti Moscow Region", issue identification number 4B02-05-65116-D dated July 9, 2013, international securities identification number (ISIN) RU000A0JWJX2), international classification of financial instruments code (CFI) DBVUFB.
2.2. Category of payments on the Issuer's securities and (or) other payments due to the holders of the Issuer's securities (dividends on shares; interest (coupon income) on bonds; nominal value (part of the nominal value) of bonds; other payments):
nominal value of bonds.
2.3. Reporting (coupon) period (one year; 3, 6, 9 months within one year; other period; start and end dates of the coupon period) for which income was paid on the Issuer's securities:
not applicable. Nominal value of the bonds is paid on the maturity date of the bonds.
2.4. Total amount of income paid on the Issuer's securities, as well as other payments due to the holders of the Issuer's securities:
5,000,000,000.00 rubles (five billion rubles 00 kopecks).
2.5. Amount of income paid, as well as other payments per one security of the Issuer:
1,000 rubles.
2.6. Total number of the Issuer's securities (number of the Issuer's shares of a certain category (type); number of bonds of a certain issue), on which income and/or other payments were made:
5,000,000 (five million) pieces.
2.7. Form of payment of income on the Issuer's securities and (or) other payments due to the holders of the Issuer's securities (monetary means):
monetary means in the currency of the Russian Federation by bank transfer.
2.8. Date on which the obligation to pay income on the Issuer's securities and/or make other payments due to the holders of the Issuer's securities must be fulfilled, and if the specified obligation must be fulfilled by the Issuer within a certain period (time period) - the date of the end of this period:
May 28, 2024.
2.9. The amount (as a percentage) in which the obligation to pay income on the Issuer's securities and/or make other payments due to the holders of the Issuer's securities has been fulfilled, as well as the reasons for the fulfillment of this obligation not in full, if such an obligation has not been fulfilled by the Issuer in full:
100%. The payment has been made in full.
3. Signature
3.1. Director of the Department of Corporate Governance and Shareholder Relations - Corporate Secretary (based on power of attorney No. 77/555-n/77-2024-2-583 of February 27, 2024)
(signature) A.N.Svirin
3.2. Date: 28 th of May 2024 L.S.

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