
1. General Information
1.1 Full corporate name (for a commercial organization) or name (for a non-profit organization) of the IssuerPublic Joint Stock Company Rosseti Moscow Region
1.2. The Issuer's address specified in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities3, 2nd Paveletsky passage, bld. 2, Moscow, 115114
1.3. Primary State Registration Number (OGRN) of the Issuer (if any)1057746555811
1.4. Taxpayer Identification Number (INN) of the Issuer (if any)5036065113
1.5. The Issuer's unique code assigned by the Bank of Russia65116-D
1.6. Internet page address used by the Issuer to disclose informationhttps://www.e-disclosure.ru/portal/company.aspx?id=5563; http://www.rossetimr.ru
1.7. Date of occurrence of the event (material fact) about which the statement was drawn up June 10, 2024
2. Statement content
2.1. Identification features of the issuer's securities with accrued (declared) income:
book-entry interest-bearing non-convertible Exchange-Traded Bonds Series 001P-06 (hereinafter referred to as the "Exchange-Traded Bonds") to be placed under the 001P Exchange-Traded Bonds Program under registration number 4-65116-D-001P-02E dated February 8, 2017, registration number of the issue:
4B02-06-65116-D-001P dated June 3, 2024. International securities identification number (ISIN) and International code for classification of financial instruments (CFI) have not been assigned to the Exchange-Traded Bonds as of the disclosure date.
2.2. The issuer's management body (authorized official) that made the decision to pay (declare) dividends on the issuer's shares or on determining the size (procedure for determining the size) of interest (coupon) on the issuer's bonds:
Name of the authorized management body that adopted the decision:
Director General of PJSC Rosseti Moscow Region.
Date of the resolution:
June 10, 2024, Order No. 634 dated June 10, 2024.
Content of the decision made:
To set the interest rate on the first coupon of the Exchange-Traded Bonds at seventeen point fifteen hundredths percent (17.15%) per annum, which corresponds to a coupon yield of thirteen rubles fourteen-ten kopecks (14.10 rubles) per one Exchange-Traded Bond.
To establish the following procedure for determining the interest rate on the second through thirty-sixth coupons:
Ci = Ck(i) + 1.15%,.
Ci is interest rate on i-th coupon (i=2.3.36), per annum.
Ck(i) is the effective value of the key rate of the Bank of Russia published on the official website of the Bank of Russia as of the 5th business day preceding the Coupon Period Commencement Date for the i-th coupon period (hereinafter, CPCD(i) – 5).
If there is no published value of the key rate of the Bank of Russia on the day of CPCD(i) — 5, the value of the key rate of the Bank of Russia shall be deemed to be equal to the last published value.
2.3. Date of the decision to pay (declare) dividends on the issuer's shares or to determine the amount (the procedure for determining the amount) of interest (coupon yield) on the issuer's bonds:
June 10, 2024.
2.4. Date and number of the minutes of the meeting (proceedings) of the issuer's authorized management body which adopted the decision to pay (declare) dividends on the issuer's shares or to determine the size (procedure for determining the size) of the interest (coupon income) on the issuer's bonds if such decision was made by the collegial management body of the issuer:
not applicable.
2.5. Reporting (coupon) period (year; 3, 6, 9 months of the year; other period; commencement and end dates of the coupon period), for which the income on the issuer's securities was accrued (declared):

1st coupon periodfromJune 14, 2024toJuly 14, 2024
2th coupon periodfromJuly 14, 2024toAugust 13, 2024
3th coupon periodfromAugust 13, 2024toSeptember 12, 2024
4th coupon periodfromSeptember 12, 2024toOctober 12, 2024
5th coupon periodfromOctober 12, 2024toNovember 11, 2024
6th coupon periodfromNovember 11, 2024toDecember 11, 2024
7th coupon periodfromDecember 11, 2024toJanuary 10, 2025
8th coupon periodfromJanuary 10, 2025toFebruary 09, 2025
9th coupon periodfromFebruary 09, 2025toMarch 11, 2025
10th coupon periodfromMarch 11, 2025toApril 10, 2025
11th coupon periodfromApril 10, 2025toMay 10, 2025
12th coupon periodfromMay 10, 2025toJune 09, 2025
13th coupon periodfromJune 09, 2025toJuly 09, 2025
14th coupon periodfromJuly 09, 2025toAugust 08, 2025
15th coupon periodfromAugust 08, 2025toSeptember 07, 2025
16th coupon periodfromSeptember 07, 2025toOctober 07, 2025
17th coupon periodfromOctober 07, 2025toNovember 06, 2025
18th coupon periodfromNovember 06, 2025toDecember 06, 2025
19th coupon periodfromDecember 06, 2025toJanuary 05, 2026
20th coupon periodfromJanuary 05, 2026toFebruary 04, 2026
21th coupon periodfromFebruary 04, 2026toMarch 06, 2026
22th coupon periodfromMarch 06, 2026toApril 05, 2026
23th coupon periodfromApril 05, 2026toMay 05, 2026
24th coupon periodfromMay 05, 2026toJune 04, 2026
25th coupon periodfromJune 04, 2026toJuly 04, 2026
26th coupon periodfromJuly 04, 2026toAugust 03, 2026
27th coupon periodfromAugust 03, 2026toSeptember 02, 2026
28th coupon periodfromSeptember 02, 2026toOctober 02, 2026
29th coupon periodfromOctober 02, 2026toNovember 01, 2026
30th coupon periodfromNovember 01, 2026toDecember 01, 2026
31th coupon periodfromDecember 01, 2026toDecember 31, 2026
32th coupon periodfromDecember 31, 2026toJanuary 30, 2027
33th coupon periodfromJanuary 30, 2027toMarch 01, 2027
34th coupon periodfromMarch 01, 2027toMarch 31, 2027
35th coupon periodfromMarch 31, 2027toApril 30, 2027
36th coupon periodfromApril 30, 2027toMay 30, 2027

2.6. Total amount of accrued (payable) income on the issuer's securities (total amount of dividends declared on the issuer's shares of a certain category (class); total amount of interest (coupon income) accrued (payable) on the issuer's bonds of a certain issue):
As of the date of the decision on determining the interest rate for the first coupon period, the number of the Exchange-Traded Bonds to be placed has not been determined, and the total amount of income cannot be specified.
The number (approximate number) of the Exchange-Traded Bonds to be placed will be specified in the document containing the terms of placement (to be published before the commencement date of the Exchange-Traded Bond placement).
The interest rate of the Exchange-Traded Bonds expressed in percentage points per annum for coupon periods starting from the second period and through the thirty-sixth period shall be calculated according to the formula specified in Clause 2.2. of this Statement.
2.7. Amount of accrued (payable) income per one security of the issuer (amount of declared dividend per one issuer's share of a certain category (class); amount of accrued (payable) interest (coupon income) per one issuer's bond of a certain issue for the reporting (coupon) period):
Amount of accrued (payable) income per one bond of the issuer:

1stcoupon period14 rub.(fourteen) rubles10kopecks

The amount of coupon income for coupon periods starting from the second period and through the thirty-sixth period shall be calculated according to the formula specified in Clause 2.2. of this Statement.
The total amount of interest payable on the issuer's bonds and amount of interest payable on one bond of the issuer:

1stcoupon period17.15%(seventeen point fifteen hundredths)percent per annum

The interest rate of the Exchange-Traded Bonds expressed in percentage points per annum for coupon periods starting from the second period and through the thirty-sixth period shall be calculated according to the formula specified in Clause 2.2. of this Statement.
2.8. Form of income payment on the issuer's securities (cash, other property):
payment of income shall be made in cash in Russian rubles by bank transfer.
2.9. Record date for determining the persons entitled to receive dividends, if the accrued (declared) income on the issuer's securities are dividends on the issuer's shares:
not applicable.
2.10. The date on which the obligation to pay income on the issuer's securities (dividends on shares, interest (coupon income) on bonds) must be fulfilled and, if the obligation to pay income on securities must be fulfilled by the issuer within a certain period of time (time period), the end date of such period:
Coupon income on Exchange-Traded Bonds accrued for each coupon period shall be paid at the end date of the relevant coupon period:

1st coupon periodJuly 14, 2024
2th coupon periodAugust 13, 2024
3th coupon periodSeptember 12, 2024
4th coupon periodOctober 12, 2024
5th coupon periodNovember 11, 2024
6th coupon periodDecember 11, 2024
7th coupon periodJanuary 10, 2025
8th coupon periodFebruary 09, 2025
9th coupon periodMarch 11, 2025
10th coupon periodApril 10, 2025
11th coupon periodMay 10, 2025
12th coupon periodJune 09, 2025
13th coupon periodJuly 09, 2025
14th coupon periodAugust 08, 2025
15th coupon periodSeptember 07, 2025
16th coupon periodOctober 07, 2025
17th coupon periodNovember 06, 2025
18th coupon periodDecember 06, 2025
19th coupon periodJanuary 05, 2026
20th coupon periodFebruary 04, 2026
21th coupon periodMarch 06, 2026
22th coupon periodApril 05, 2026
23th coupon periodMay 05, 2026
24th coupon periodJune 04, 2026
25th coupon periodJuly 04, 2026
26th coupon periodAugust 03, 2026
27th coupon periodSeptember 02, 2026
28th coupon periodOctober 02, 2026
29th coupon periodNovember 01, 2026
30th coupon periodDecember 01, 2026
31th coupon periodDecember 31, 2026
32th coupon periodJanuary 30, 2027
33th coupon periodMarch 01, 2027
34th coupon periodMarch 31, 2027
35th coupon periodApril 30, 2027
36th coupon periodMay 30, 2027

3. Signature
3.1. Director of the Department of Corporate Governance and Shareholder Relations - Corporate Secretary (based on power of attorney No. 77/555-n/77-2024-2-583 of February 27, 2024)
(signature) A.N.Svirin
3.2. Date: 10 th of Juny 2024 L.S.

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