
As a result of 8 months of current year power engineering specialists of JSC “MOESK” branch - Eastern Electric Network - greatly decreased metrics of electric loss level during its’ transmission. Economy of electric power amounts to more than 32 million kilowatt-hours. During this period 6.6 milliard kilowatt-hours of electric power are supplied in power grid. At the same time productive supply equal to 6.14 milliard kilowatt-hours and actual losses – 476 milliard kilowatt-hours, that equal to 7.2% at a plan 7.68% from supply in power grid.


If we compare this metrics with analogous period of the last year, then supply in power grid increased on 2.27%, and losses decreased on 0.15 %.


For achievement of this results major efforts were made by electricians. So, over a reporting period in power grids almost 55 kilometers of cable were replaced on overloaded overhead lines of voltage class of 6kV (at a plan 18.5 kilometers), 827 spot-checks on identifying of unauthorized connections of customers were performed (plan - 380), more than 117 meter readings were taken from natural persons and more than 108 from legal persons. Moreover, in this period 176 meters were replaced, 45 current transformers of 0.4kV, 26 meters were removed out of the boundary point and many other things.

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As a result of performing spot-checks on identifying violations of power consumption from subscribers 650 acts of power consumption without accounting were drawn up and almost 6.5 million kilowatt-hours were included in productive supply. And regarding the facts of power consumption without accounting, identified by power engineering specialists 403 acts were drawn up. According to these acts infringers paid for 1.7 million kilowatt-hours to the sum of almost 4.4 million rubles. 

“Undoubtedly, it was possible to reach these metrics thanks to performance of the big complex of measures were taken for minimization of technical and commercial losses of energy, and also to effective work of branch employees,” the deputy director on transfer of electric power of Eastern Electric Network Nikolay Egorov claimed, “big economic effect was given also by auditing of customers in the framework of the action “Fair watt”. Operating together with local authorities, internal affairs bodies, involving mass media and making active explanatory work amount the population, it was possible to achieve quite good results. We are planning to organize further such joint spot-checks.”