
In branch of JSC “MOESK” - High-Voltage Cable Networks (HVCN) - two-day training workshop “Development and optimization of business processes” was carried out, in work of which 23 business leaders of HVCN took part. Department of quality management and operating efficiency of “MOESK” acted as an organizer of this workshop. Deputy Chief of department Julia Kudimova presided over a talk.


At the beginning of workshop participants were divided to six teams. Each team developed their own business process, carried out an analysis, identified “black holes” (parts of a process, which use surplus recourses in comparison with achieve results), “hot spots”. This exercise helped to participants of teams to find optimal approach to problem solving, to feel that work of each office, department, branch represent interconnected system of consistent, purposeful and regulated operations.


According to the results of training workshop the best team was defined, which coped with all tasks most effectively and also protected their business process. The project “Loss of property of HVCN as a result of untimely undergoing of medical examination by personnel (before trip or shift)” was awarded the top assessment, which was defended by chief of Operational Dispatching Office of HVCN Vitaly Ponomarev on behalf of all team.


“After exercise we estimated activity of departments newly and, above all, not in words but clearly understood that we all are one well-coordinated team,” in this way participants spoke of workshop results, “optimization of our activity allows us to receive under control process, in which a core of each operation, a time for implementation, incoming and outgoing information are clearly traced.”


Optimization of activity of all departments of HVCN and other company’s branches especially is of current importance on the threshold of transition JSC “MOESK” to the new method of tariff regulation – RAB-regulation. According to General Manager of JSC “MOESK” Andrey Konovalov, “the main aim of transition to RAB-regulation is, first of all, increasing of efficiency for energy company and tariff reduction.” In connection with it requirements to quality of planning, observance of dates for the execution of works, improving reliability of services provided to customers are increasing.