
Press service of Moscow United Electric Grid Company informs that is was damage of an oil switcher at 10 kV T-5 (63 MVA) transformer became the reason of a technological accident. The accident took place on September the 13th in 18:02 at a 110 kV substation owned by Central Electric Networks (Moscow, Nakhimovsky Prospect Streetm 69/5). Moreover, detailed examination revealed a steep of trail at support of Vernandskaya – Semenovskaya II overhead cable transmission line.

The accident caused partial stopping of electric transport at Lomonosovsky, Leninsky, and Nakhinovsky Prospects and neighboring streets. At 19:00, city transport was fed from through reserves.

Starting from September the 13th till now, repair teams of MOESK have been carrying works at 10 kV tires and Vernandskaya – Semenovskaya II 110 kV overhead cable transmission line

After the end of works, launch of electric energy supply due to normal scheme is planned to be carried out.

There were no injured persons or destructions at the substation. Electric energy supply of citizens living at the district was not disturbed.