
From the beginning of study year, specialists of Eastern Electric Networks, a branch of JSC “MOESK”, carried on implementation of lessons on electric safety at child centers at West of the Moscow Region. This time, power engineers told children from Children Center No.44 at Rumyantsevo town, Istra region, on electricity. The meeting was carried out under “Kind Electricity – Safe Holidays” event.

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During the lesson, children got acquainted with electric equipment used everyday life, and got to know main safety rules in handling with such equipment. A thematic cartoon on rules of behavior at energy objects, open wires, and on best actions to escape from real danger for health and life, was shown as well. Power engineers implemented a competition “I paint electricity” so that children better committed everything in memory. For participation, every child was awarded with such deserved prices as certificates and memorable souvenirs. 

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Prevention of children electric energy traumatism is a special socially important task for power engineers of JSC “MOESK”. Such events are aimed at bringing boys and girls to alphabetical rules of electric energy safety. Due to results of information and explanation work among citizen, not a single accident with children at energy objects took place at West of the Moscow Region this year.

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