
On August 31, 2010 JSC “MOESK” Board of Directors carried out the meeting in the form of the absentee voting.

According to the results of the voting, the Board of Directors chose the activities directed to the increase of anti-terroristic protection of the Company’s power objects as one of the priority directions of activity.

Board of Directors introduced the changes to the quantitative and personal structures of the Management Board and Electric Grids Connection Technological Committee under the Board of Directors of JSC “MOESK”.

According to the decision of the Board of Directors the quality of the Management Board members was increased up to 7 persons:

They terminated the powers of:
- Mayorov Andrey Vladimirovich;
- Shmagelskiy Alexander Sergeevich.

They elected the flowing persons to the Management Board:
- Chegodayev Anatoliy Vasilievich – Deputy General Director – Technical Director of JSC “MOESK”;
- Krupin Mikhail Lvovich – Moscow Technological Connections Deputy General Director of JSC “MOESK”;
- Marakin Yuriy Vladimirovich – Security Deputy General Director of JSC “MOESK”.

Quantitative structure of the Electric Grids Technological Connections Committee under the Board of Directors of JSC “MOESK” was increased up to 11 persons:

Among them are:
- Tikhonova Mariya Gennadievna – Economic Regulations and Property Relations in Fuel and Power Complex of the Russian Federation Ministry of Power Department Director;
- Konovalov Andrey Pavlovich – JSC “MOESK” General Director.

The following documents were approved during the meeting of the Board of Directors of JSC “MOESK”:
- report on activities directed to the transition to the tariff regulation for the services directed to power transmission by means of the investment capital profitability (RAB);
- report on the security protection provision of JSC “MOESK” in the 2 quarter of 2010;
- report on preparation and implementation of the project and cost estimate documents of the research and development works in JSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” over the 1 quarter of 2010;
- report on implementation of the key indices on cash flow of JSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” over the 2 quarter of 2010;
- plan of activities directed to the decrease of outsiders power damage risk in the zone of JSC “MOESK” responsibility for 2010-2012;
- list of the independent appraisers attracted to determine the market value of the property and other assets.