
In current August Joint-Stock Company “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” organized the charity event called “September 1”. The personnel of High Voltage Cable Grids (HVCG), as well as the other branches of the company, took active part in the event. Power engineers did not remain indifferent to the problems of the children and rendered help to Social and rehabilitation centre for the under aged in the town of Mozhaisk. 
Administration of Mozhaisk Social Rehabilitation Centre thanked the staff of the branch for how they treated children, being in difficult life situation. By the request of the administration of the children establishment for the means gathered by the personnel of the branch they bought the wear for the children and materials for creative work as well as household chemicals. 
“Currently, the amount of the poor and needy families increased. We make all the possible to help the people. Together with us you also help the needy people. Thank you for the attention, responsiveness and simple human kindness ,” said in her letter Valentina Yakubovich, Director of Mozhaisk Social Rehabilitation Centre.

According to Svetlana Serednyakova, HVCG General Issues Director, “our friendship with the inmates of Mozhaisk Social Rehabilitation Centre began since 2005 with the first event called “Brightest fir tree”, which is yearly organized by the power engineers for their supported ones. Now it is a good tradition. And in March of the current year Galina Lavrova, former personnel member of HVCG presented to the children the large library of Russian and Foreign fiction, which she has been gathering for more than 20 years”.

The management of High Voltage Cable Grids is grateful to each person who did not remain indifferent and made the possible contribution to the charity event implementation.